38014 4th Avenue - Centerpoint

Centrepoint Development

A development application has been received for a second rezoning of the Centrepoint parcel at 4th Ave and Victoria St in Downtown Squamish. The Centrepoint project is a mixed-use development of the Squamish United Church, the administrative / program space offices of the Sea to Sky Community Services and 32 units of social housing. The parcel was rezoned in December 2012 to a comprehensive development zone (CD-68).

Due to further design development, the proponent wishes to do a minor rezoning of the property to allow for a changed form and massing of the building. Uses remain the same as before. Since the first application there have been changes to accommodate programming requirements, phasing strategies and budget limitations.

  1. Project Information:                        

a) Adjacent Uses ‐ To the north, south, and west of the subject property, the adjacent land use is residential (zoned RS‐2, maximum three stories), currently developed as one‐or-two-storey single family homes.
To the east is C‐4 (Downtown Commercial) zoned land.

b) Proposed changes - Permitted uses, maximum height and Floor Area Ratio (FAR) are not being amended. Proposed changes to the zone that was approved in 2012 include:

 i. An increase to lot coverage, resulting from moving the social housing component to the rear of the site above a surface parking lot;

 ii. A reduced rear setback;

 iii. An increase in the number of residential units;

 iv. A decrease in the provision of parking stalls; and

 v. Revised building plans need to be appended to CD-68 Zone showing the changed form and massing of the building.

c) Building Design - The zoning changes listed above to CD-68 are explained further as:

 i. The housing is now separate from the rest of the building to allow the housing to be built on its own timeline/phasing and its own funding. The housing is in the centre of the site to the rear. The housing will be four storeys of residential above one storey of surface parking – resulting in a height of five storeys. The building’s site coverage has increased from 49% to 63%;

 ii. Residential units have increased, from 21 units at the full five-storey built-out as presented in the 2012 rezoning to 32 units today. Residential units are anticipated to be half supportive housing units and half affordable housing units;

 iii. Parking has been reduced from 33 stalls to 32 stalls (a link to a Parking Addendum is included at the bottom of this webpage);

 iv. The daycare has moved from Fourth Avenue to Victoria St;

 v.  The loading bay has been moved to the curbside on Fourth Ave to accommodate drop-off needs, wheelchair access and improve general functionality; and

In the 2012 rezoning, the existing church’s facade was preserved, visible on the street frontage. The façade is no longer proposed to be retained. Centrepoint is going through a concurrent Development Permit process, for Development Permit Area 7 – Multi-Family Housing. The Development Permit is anticipated to be brought forward to Council on November 18, 2014 if the rezoning is approved.

Public hearing

A Public Hearing for this rezoning application is scheduled Tuesday, October 28th, 2014 at 6pm. Persons who believe that their interest in property is affected by the proposed bylaw will have an opportunity to be heard and to present written submissions at the Public Hearing or, if unable to attend, may deliver a written submission to the General Manager of Corporate Services by 4:00 p.m. on the date of the Public Hearing. All submissions will form part of the public record. Council will not consider submissions received after the close of the Public Hearing.

The building is accessible and has been designed such that the long term durability and sustainability of the project can be maintained over the long term. Features throughout the project emphasize smart growth principles i.e. alternative modes of travel (biking), urban landscaping and high performance building design in a comprehensive mixed-use design.

A link to the First and Second Readings staff Report to Council is included at the bottom of this webpage. There are some outstanding elements related to the water supply, sanitary sewer capacity, and update to the Flood Construction Level that will be provided by the applicant prior to the Public Hearing.

2014 Report to Council 

2014 Parking Addendum

2012 Report to Council

2012 Parking Study

View the architectural drawings

View the Landscaping Plans

View the Perspectives

View the location map

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