This permit was issued in accordance with District of Squamish Noise Regulation Bylaw No. 2312, 2014, which allows the District to grant a temporary noise exemption for construction noise. The content of the application for exemption met the requirements as set out in the bylaw.
Council was apprised of this particular application for information during the December 19, 2023 update from Staff on the Eagle Mountain – Woodfibre Gas Pipeline project-related activities between October and December, and anticipated work for the coming months. The Noise Regulation Bylaw directs that a District Administrator (not Council) review and evaluate any exemption application against a series of detailed considerations prior to the Administrator’s decision on issuance.
The BC Energy Regulator (BCER) has guidelines for noise and vibration monitoring and FortisBC will be monitoring as per the BCER guidelines. A Project Inquiries and Complaints Process will also be in place. The District is requiring FortisBC to implement noise mitigation measures along with a complaint process.
The following controls and practices will be implemented to minimize potential effects on the surrounding environment including nearby residences:
FortisBC’s primary tunnelling contractor, Frontier-Kemper Michels (FKM)
Residents and businesses can reach out directly to FortisBC’s EGP Project team by email at [email protected] or by phone to 1-855-380-5784, and/or the District’s Bylaw Enforcement Department at 604-815-5067.
The permit application was made to the District on October 19, 2023.
The following clauses in the Noise Regulation Bylaw are in relation to Prohibited Noise and Vibration
3. No person shall make or cause, or permit to be made or caused, any noise, sound, or vibration in or on a public or private place which disturbs or tends to disturb the quiet, peace, rest, enjoyment, comfort or convenience of any person or persons in the neighbourhood or vicinity.
4. No owner or occupier of real property shall use or permit such property to be used so that noise, sound, or vibration emanating from the property disturbs or tends to disturb the quiet, peace, rest, enjoyment, comfort, or convenience of any person or persons in the neighbourhood or vicinity.
5. Without limiting the generality of sections 3 and 4, the following noises, sounds and vibrations are deemed to disturb the quiet, peace, rest, enjoyment, comfort of convenience of individuals or the public and are generally prohibited:
(C) Construction Noise made or caused, or permitted to be made or caused: (as amended by Bylaw No. 2541)
Yes. FortisBC and its contractors are required to develop a Noise and Vibration Control Plan for construction activities associated with the EGP Project as per requirements set out by the project’s Environmental Assessment (EA).
FortisBC’s contractor (FKM) will continuously monitor noise levels at two locations. In the event of higher than anticipated noise levels, FKM is prepared to install additional noise mitigation, such as:
While a Noise Exemption Permit has been granted, FortisBC and its contractor do not anticipate noise levels from tunnelling to exceed noise levels produced by construction activity to date.
Yes, the contractor has established vibration and sound monitoring at the north and south of the site.
Project maps are available on the District’s project page at
Trucking will occur using the designated truck route only during regular allowable daytime hours (until 8 p.m.). Operations overnight will be limited to support the direct excavation of tunneling. There will be no deliveries, hauling of material nor unnecessary traffic overnight.
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