PUBLIC HEARING: OCP and Rezoning Application - Cheekeye River Development Lands

When: June 11 - 06:00pm

Where: Brennan Park Recreation Centre - 1009 Centennial Way


Official Community Plan Amendment and Rezoning Application – Cheekeye River Development Lands


To re-designate the lands identified in Figure 1 from “Civic and Institutional”, “Restricted Industrial”, “Residential Neighbourhood” and “Parks, Greenway Corridor and Recreation” to “Residential Neighbourhood” and Parks, Greenway Corridor and Recreation” in order to allow the proposed Cheekeye River Development.

The Cheekeye River Development proposes approximately 1215 residential units including small and medium lot single detached housing, townhomes, apartments, neighbourhood commercial establishment, as well as a park dedication of the Brackendale Farmers Institute lands and Ray Peters Trail.

To extend the Growth Management Boundary contained in Schedule “C” to the OCP in order to include all of the proposed development area.

To reduce Development Permit Area No. 10 (DPA 10) Map contained in Schedule “M” to the OCP to exclude the proposed development area from Intensive and Restricted Industrial DPA 10 designation.

To add a policy statement to Part 3 of the OCP recognizing the proposed development.

To rezone the lands identified in Figure 2 from RS-1 (Residential 1) and RE (Resource) to Comprehensive
Development Zone 82 (CD-82), which will be comprised of Zone Parcels A to H, in order to permit the proposed Cheekeye River Development.



District of Squamish Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 2500, 2017, Amendment Bylaw (Cheekeye River Development) No. 2615, 2018; and District of Squamish Zoning Bylaw No. 2200, 2011, Amendment Bylaw  Cheekeye River Development) No. 2306, 2013



The lands subject to the two Official Community Plan and Zoning Bylaw Amendments abut the east side of Government Road and both sides of Ross Road.

Map outlining land use changes and zoning amendments

Persons who believe that their interest in property is affected by the proposed OCP and Zoning Bylaw amendments will have an opportunity to be heard in person and to provide written submissions.

Ways to participate in this Public Hearing:

  1. In writing
  2. In person

Visit the CivicWeb Portal for:

  • How to participate
  • How to send written submission

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