District secures $291,485 in funding for Squamish Circular Economy Trailblazer Program

The District of Squamish has been successful in receiving $291,485 through the Province of BC’s Rural Economic Diversification and Infrastructure Program (REDIP) for its new Circular Economy Trailblazer Program (CETP). The CETP intends to aid local businesses to adopt circular economy practices by offering education in efficient waste reduction and diversion methods, waste reduction and reuse advisory services, and networking and collaboration opportunities. Businesses participating in the CETP will be able to apply for funding in the form of small grants and investment challenges, where applicants will have the opportunity to pitch their innovative ideas for new products and services that align with circular practices to an audience of industry experts. It is anticipated the CETP will contribute to the development of a collaborative, innovative, and resourceful economic market within the Squamish business community.

 “Adopting a circular economy in Squamish and moving away from the linear economic model is not only a new way of thinking or adopting new business practices — it’s a necessity,” says District of Squamish Mayor Armand Hurford. “Holistic environmental policy includes developing our local economy in a way that reduces waste outputs and is a real investment in steering economic prosperity within the community. We are grateful to have our efforts to date recognized with this funding and we appreciate the Province for this support of our circular economy practices.”

REDIP is a new funding initiative designed to support rural economic development projects that promote economic capacity building, economic diversification, resilience, clean economy opportunities, and infrastructure development. In 2021 the District of Squamish launched a Circular Economy Roadmap intended to direct the activation of a local circular economy, providing opportunity for new jobs, and environmental sustainability. The Roadmap identifies three key focus areas: construction and the built environment, food systems, and textiles, and aligns with Council’s governing principles to act on climate change and aligns with provincial and national priorities.

Learn more about the District’s Circular Economy Roadmap here: https://investsquamish.ca/about/our-projects/squamish-circular-economy/

The Rural Economic Diversification and Infrastructure Program is offered through the Ministry of Jobs, Economic Development and Innovation. For more information about the REDIP visit: http://www.gov.bc.ca/redip

June 15, 2023

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