A Message from Mayor Karen Elliott - COVID-19

March 13, 2020

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  • Elena Whitman Mar 17, 2020, 8:42 PM (4 years ago)

    How many cases of COVID-19 do we have in Squamish? Why this information is not disclosed by District of Squamish? People are still being reckless thinking that it’s not happening in their backyard.

  • Elena Whitman Mar 17, 2020, 8:42 PM (4 years ago)

    How many cases of COVID-19 do we have in Squamish? Why this information is not disclosed by District of Squamish? People are still being reckless thinking that it’s not happening in their backyard.

  • dennis keithley Mar 14, 2020, 9:56 PM (4 years ago)

    The Public Health Agency of Canada website also provides advice on being prepared for COVID-19, for individuals, communities (including information on social distancing measures), schools and daycares, and workplaces.

  • Peter Mar 14, 2020, 4:47 PM (4 years ago)

    Please set up a District health and Safety committee. We should have already had one. Due to the amount of tourists we have the virus is probaly already here,bc no testing done. This will be a minimum 3 month event. Unless early summer slow it, although not happening in Australia,or New Zealand this is not the Flu!!!Much more contagious and deadly, look at the data.

  • Peter Mar 14, 2020, 3:34 PM (4 years ago)

    There are no ICU beds at Squamish General. So the 3%-10%0of people that may require this over the next 4 months have to be airlifted or Ambulanced to Vancouver. Close all activities now, Brennan Park,etc We have no medical capablities to deal with this virus in Squamish.

  • Elizabeth Gillis Mar 14, 2020, 1:22 PM (4 years ago)

    I hear the District’s wish “not to create any heightened cause for alarm in our community regarding the coronavirus” and agree that it is important that people not “over react.” I understand the need to maintain a balance between protecting individual rights and reminding citizens of their collective responsibilities, however, given the current situation with cases spreading in BC through community, as opposed to travellers bringing it back, I think it is time to get more serious and shut things down. I therefore feel that despite the BC Government’s ban on meetings of 250 or more, the District should not be holding “public” meetings in person, but find some other forum for disseminating information, promoting discussion, and receiving comment. All of this with the goal of reducing the speed and spread of the virus. Why are we waiting till it arrives in full force before getting serious? Now is the time to react, not when it is at full speed spread. If we wait till we start to get cases, it may be too late. I think it would be more positive to be criticized for over-acting, rather than under-acting under these circumstances.
    Across Canada, companies, schools, and individuals are taking steps to restrict “get” togethers, other municipalities are closing, or extending closures of schools, recreation centres, swimming pools, libraries, etc. Our own university (Quest) is taking drastic steps by stopping face to face meetings, and major events. I don’t think this is panicking; I think it is being socially responsible and commend those people and businesses who are being thoughtful of the community. I also feel that the District should be closing its facilities including Brennan Park, The 55 Activity Centre, including bus trips, and the library immediately. I think these are responsible decisions which will help protect our community – socially and economically. Lets err on the side of caution, and not wait till the coronavirus takes a grip; let’s encourage action and proactively as a community work together to “flatten the curve” NOW.

    By the way: To this point, I think you are all doing an excellent job as our "council" members.

  • Peter Mar 14, 2020, 10:40 AM (4 years ago)

    Why has the district not shut down March break activities. Current knowledge is kids are carriers and can be asymtomatic for weeks. President ial press conference today.

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