Omnibus Amendments

There are two Omnibus Amendment Bylaws that are currently being considered by Council. Omnibus is a term that means a collection of unrelated amendments. One bylaw proposes changes to the Official Community Plan and the other proposes changes to the Zoning Bylaw. Some of the proposed amendments to the bylaws are common to one another (ie. drive-through amendments), but most are not.

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Official Community Plan – Omnibus Amendment Bylaw No. 2267
  Bylaw No. 2267 includes amendments to the Official Community Plan. These amendments have either been directed by Council motion (ie: Drive-through amendments, December 18, 2012) or have been generated by other emerging projects in the community (ie: Development Permit Guidelines for storage containers, and recreational group storage facilities).

Public Information Session:
February 6 (6-8pm Library Board Room)
Public Hearing: February 18, 7 p.m. (Council Chambers)


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Zoning Bylaw – Omnibus Amendment Bylaw No. 2303
  Bylaw No. 2303 proposes 90 amendments to the Zoning Bylaw. These amendments include Council-directed motions (medical marijuana, backyard chickens, drive-throughs), addressing other topical issues that have arisen since the last amendments to the Zoning Bylaw, and amendments of a housekeeping nature to ensure that language in the Zoning Bylaw is clear.

Public Information Session:
January 27. Thank you to all who attended.
Public Hearing: Tentatively April 8, 7 p.m. (Council Chambers)

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