Brackendale - Government Road Active Transportation Improvements


A separated multi-use path is being constructed along the east side of Government Road between Depot Road and Axen Road. Other improvements to the area will include:

  • Curb extension at Axen Road/Government Road intersection.
  • Drainage and full road reconstruction.


  • A detour via Faith Road will be in place from Monday, May 11 to Thursday, May 14 between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m.
  • Signs will be in place to indicate the direction of the detour
  • Faith Road will have a temporary speed limit of 30 km/h.
  • Please use caution, watch for traffic control personnel and obey the 30 km/h speed limit. 
  • Short delays of up to three minutes can be expected.


  • Through May 25, 2020

What's planned

Construction work area

Government Rd 1

Government at Axen


April 29, 2020

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  • Jennifer Farstad Jul 6, 2020, 2:44 PM (4 years ago)

    I appreciate the effort put into increasing the number of students who walk and ride to school. I have a passion for cycling and I would like to see cycling lanes created that are safe and encourage more children and adults to ride instead of drive.

    I do have some concerns about this new multi-use path.
    The new path, as well as the new bike lanes on Judd Road and on Dowad Drive, all have 2 way cyclists together on one side of the road. Research shows that these paths are awkward and unsafe for cyclists. Adding pedestrians as well, will make this path difficult to maneuver during the busy before and after school rush.

    How does the District of Squamish decide how to develop these new cycling paths? Is there an opportunity to provide input during the planning stages?

  • Steven Pavich Jun 26, 2020, 6:36 PM (4 years ago)

    Is this ever going to be finished? The sidewalk piece on axen rd is still incomplete and the driveway of the house on that corner is still torn up

  • Rachel Shephard Jun 19, 2020, 4:31 PM (4 years ago)

    The image above shows the path as being two way. Can you please explain how this is intended to work? North of Axen, there is a sidewalk on the east side of the road. And south of Depot, the east shoulder is not wide enough to support two-way bike traffic. Are southbound bicyclists supposed to ride on the west shoulder as far as Axen, cross Government Rd at the crosswalk and use the protected lane to Depot. Then cross the road again to ride on the southbound shoulder from there? Doesn't make sense. Seems like it would make more sense for this to be a protected northbound-only lane for bikes and two-way foot traffic, with a dividing line down the middle and markers showing which half is for foot traffic and which half for bikes, like in Stanley Park. Southbound bike traffic can continue to use the west shoulder which is quite wide. Echo Jeff's comments about extending the wider shoulder to Dryden.

    Wondering what is the schedule for completing the paving at the Axen crosswalk? It's currently a bit of a hazard.

    • Communications Jul 2, 2020, 9:05 AM (4 years ago)

      Thanks Rachel. This section of Multi-Use path along Government Road can be accessed by crossing either at Depot Road or at Axen Rodd. The bike lane on the west side of Government has been maintained and we are also implementing a shared lane on the east side (northbound traffic) to allow cyclists who are comfortable riding with traffic. The separated multi-use path is a safe route to school. This multi-use path is 3 metre wide and accommodate two-way traffic as the Corridor trail, the Discovery trail and other of our multi-use paths.

  • Jeff May 15, 2020, 3:48 PM (5 years ago)

    Great idea! Thanks for your hard work. I have children that walk this route to school, so it will be a big relief for us as it was quite narrow before. It would be nice if this protected pedestrian lane was extended on the east side to Dryden Rd. and the General store because there are many children, including mine, who funnel out of the Kingswood/Dryden Rd. area onto Government Rd. at Dryden on there journey to school. Maybe this could be incorperated into the proposed 41665 - 41707 Government Road Development??

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