Living with Wildlife

Squamish is both a seaside and a mountain community. We are surrounded by the Coast Range Mountains, have an extensive estuary and are situated within the floodplains of five major river systems. Wetlands, marine beach habitat, salmon bearing streams and copious fruit bearing trees and shrubs all provide seasonal food for wildlife. Simply put, Squamish is situated in prime wildlife country and is home to numerous species:

Bear Smart Community

On September 25, 2010, the District of Squamish was the second community in BC to receive Bear Smart Accreditation from the Ministry of Environment and to this day, remains committed to reducing human-wildlife conflicts.


The District of Squamish has developed a number of resources that provide detailed information on how to reduce human-wildlife conflicts. 

Roadside Wildlife

Wildlife frequently feed alongside the highway or roadways and will often cross these roadways in pursuit of food sources. Motorists and cyclists should be alert at all times and anticipate wildlife. Never stop to view, photograph or feed wildlife. Slowing or stopping to view wildlife on the side of the road creates a hazard for other drivers and habituates wildlife to human presence.  It is important for the safety of all to keep wildlife wary of humans and vehicles.

Contact the BC Conservation Officer Service:

Call wildlife sightings and/or encounters to the BC Conservation Officer Service 24-hour hotline at 1-877-952-7277 (RAPP) or the RAPP website.

Wildlife Email Alerts:

Stay connected: the District of Squamish, in partnership with the BC Conservation Officer Service, provides wildlife email alerts whenever there is a heightened potential for public safety concerns. Sign up for wildlife alerts.

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Urban Wildlife Video Series

Living with wildlife at home and on the trails.

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Squamish is located in prime bear habitat.

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3.13.2 CougarAwareness


Squamish is located in prime cougar habitat.

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coyote feature


Coyotes are active throughout the year and, being timid animals, they prefer to avoid contact…

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