The District of Squamish’s Strategic Plan identifies the highest priorities of Council and the outcomes we aim to achieve in the next four years (2023-2026). The Strategic Plan provides the organization’s leadership with the direction to ensure Council priority outcomes are achieved for the benefit of the community.
Aligned with the Official Community Plan, the Strategic Plan provides the focus to achieve the community’s long-term vision:
In 2040, Squamish is a vibrant, inclusive, connected coastal mountain community with a big heart and a small town spirit. At nature’s doorstep, Squamish is a leader and steward, sustaining ecological and human health while supporting resilient neighbourhoods and a thriving, diverse economy for all.
Council is committed to working as a team with staff, residents, businesses, and community groups and other governments to achieve the community’s vision.
Transparency: We are visible, communicative, and accountable.
Accessibility: We are inclusive, welcoming, fair, equitable and strive
Climate Change Action: We do what is required to mitigate and adapt to climate change in our community.
Advocacy: We leverage support and funding for community priorities with Provincial and Federal levels of government.
Environmental Stewardship: We aim to protect the natural environment of our community and leave it in better condition for future generations.
Financial Stewardship: We protect the long-term assets and financial health of the community through ethical, cooperative and prudent financial decision-making and seeking opportunities for external funding.
Build inclusion and belonging with and within the community.
We will continue our work towards genuine Truth and Reconciliation, actively engaging with the Skwxwú7mesh Úxwumixw (Squamish Nation) to foster equitable and trusting relationships. We will incorporate the principles of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility throughout our organization with the goal to foster these principles in the greater community and support community groups in their work.
1.1. Working with Skwxwú7mesh Úxwumixw, develop and implement a Memorandum
of Understanding to identify specific commitments and opportunities for shared
work between Skwxwú7mesh Úxwumixw and the District of Squamish.
1.2. Co-develop a relationship agreement with the Skwxwú7mesh Úxwumixw per the
Skwxwú7mesh Úxwumixw Strategic Plan External Relations Goal #3 by a mutually
agreed deadline.
1.3. Implement the District of Squamish Inclusion Strategy: Inclusion, Diversity, Equity,
Accessibility (IDEAs) in Action by Q3 2026 and facilitate IDEA in the community.
1.4. Build relationships with community groups to increase community capacity and
resources by September 2026.
Improve community happiness and wellbeing, building connections and opportunities for everyone to thrive.
We will deliver accessible opportunities for personal growth and connection through safe and healthy spaces, places to gather, and recreational and cultural opportunities. We will apply all the municipal tools of governance, advocacy, and partnerships to improve affordability in our community including attainable housing, childcare and transit.
2.1. Generate a net increase of new parks, trails and gathering spaces by September
2.2. Increase the diversity of housing forms and tenure types year over year to
promote affordable and attainable housing for people living in Squamish.
2.3. Increase the number of inclusive and accessible arts, cultural, heritage and
recreational multiuse programmable spaces by Q3 2026.
2.4. Increase the equity and accessibility of our active transportation network and
transit system year over year.
Deliver efficient and effective municipal services for residents and businesses, today and into the future.
We will appropriately plan for the long-term financial health of the organization and the maintenance of the District’s infrastructure. We will build the organizational resilience required to respond to change and effectively deliver equitable, accessible, transparent, and culturally appropriate services with a focus on continually improving that service delivery.
3.1. Create and implement a robust long-term financial and asset management plan.
3.2. Enhance organizational systems to improve service delivery and enhance communication and engagement with the community by September 2026.
3.3. Implement a comprehensive organization development program by December 2025 to ensure human resource capacity is aligned to deliver municipal services.
3.4. Update and implement the District’s master plans to reinforce business continuity and long-term infrastructure resilience by September 2026.
Enable a bright and prosperous future for a resilient community.
We will work to ensure a livable community for future generations by acting to mitigate climate change and focus on sustainable economic development with fiscal, social and environmental co-benefits. We will address key aspects of climate adaptation by planning and investing with a long-term view to ensure a resilient, thriving community.
4.1. Achieve goal of reducing community GHG emissions by 45% by 2030 through updating and implementation of the Community Climate Action Plan (CCAP).
4.2. Increase economic activity in the core, enabling emerging economic sectors per the Economic Development Sector Strategy by September 2026.
4.3. Invest in hazard mitigation, infrastructure, and community resilience programming to ensure community adaptability in the face of climate change by September 2026.
4.4. Create a net increase of employment lands and spaces both on land and marine by September 2026.
Successful delivery of the strategic outcomes is assessed by the benefit realized by the community. The specific objectives focus the District’s work to realize those benefits; we will measure our success to achieve the objectives by completing a robust action plan of tactics. A detailed report on tactics progress will be provided semi-annually to Council and the Community.
March 4, 2025 at 12:23 AM
Overnight Lane Closures on Cleveland Avenue March 3 to 7
This week, Public Works will remove the landscaping on the traffic island located along Cleveland Avenue at Highway 99.
February 14, 2025 at 7:57 PM
Watermain Upgrade Program 2025
The District of Squamish will be upgrading and repairing select watermains as part of the annual watermain upgrade program.