Campfires and Open Air Burning

CURRENT STATUS: Campfire ban lifted as of Wednesday, August 28 at noon.

See the BC Wildfire Service site for the up-to-date rating.

The following are strictly prohibited within the District of Squamish boundaries.

  • Campfires
  • Fires in any public space (ie: riverbanks, mountainside, beaches, parks, trails).
  • Open Air Burning, including but not limited to, yard waste, garden debris and construction materials.
  • Category 2 & 3 Fires

For more information on current fire bans and wildfires within the province please visit the BC Wildfire Service website.

The District of Squamish Fire Service bylaw includes three key elements;

  1. Elimination of seasonal burn weeks.
  2. Implementation of a permit issued by the Fire Chief for residential campfires.
  3. Permit must be on hand for inspection by Fire Officer if requested.

Under the bylaw, each person who lights, maintains or is otherwise responsible for a campfire must first obtain a permit from the Fire Chief. Campfires are for the personal enjoyment of a fire by friends and family on residential property. If you are not the property owner, written consent must be submitted to the Fire Chief for review and approval of permit.

Residential Campfire Permits

You can apply for a permit online (Note: form is only available when there is no ban in effect) or in person at Squamish Fire Rescue Hall 1, located at 37890 Clarke Drive. Our hours of business are Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. (closed between noon and 1 p.m.) when fire bans are not in effect. Permits are valid for the duration that one lives at the registered property. Annual renewal is no longer required.

Apply for a permit.

General Burning Restrictions and Requirements

Please be aware of any current fire bans prior to burning as per below:

  • The only allowable material burned in the campfire consists of dry seasoned fire wood.
  • The campfire is continuously supervised and controlled by a competent adult, and must be equipped and knowledgeable in the use of extinguishing equipment and materials.
  • The campfire is no greater than 0.5 metres in height or diameter, or shall it extend in any way beyond the permitted space, or location.
  • Smoke from the campfire does not create a nuisance to other persons in the vicinity.
  • At any time, the Fire Chief or designated officer may cancel or suspend any permit issued under this bylaw.
  • Please see complete Fire Service Bylaw in order to ensure compliance.


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