Youth Council

In late 2019, in collaboration and consultation with Squamish youth and partner agencies, the District adopted a Youth Strategy.

The vision of the Squamish Youth Strategy is that Squamish Youth thrive to their highest potential and are healthy, happy and engagement community members.

A key value of "Speak Up and Leadership" was identified and as such, the Squamish Youth Council was created to give Youth the opportunity to engage with the Mayor, District of Squamish Council and Community Leaders. 

The goals of the Squamish Youth Council are:

Check out our FAQ to learn more! 

Facilitators: Mayor Armand Hurford and Christine McLeod, Founder, Everyday Leaders and Rising Villages.

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  • Jabez Sep 16, 2022, 10:02 AM (22 months ago)

    I am a student at Howe Sound Secondary School I think I would make a great addition to Youth Council, and can’t wait to get involved, learning and hearing others out!

  • JOY Moon Sep 6, 2022, 9:40 PM (22 months ago)

    Dear Grant,

    I am not in the habit of writing to an organization like SYC but I was so very impressed with your CHANGE IS INEVITABLE, SO PREPARE FOR IT as seen in the Squamish Chief - September 1, 2022.

    I found the article refreshing, upbeat, and extremely well crafted. It was a joy to read and I look forward to seeing you in print again soon.

    Very best wishes,
    JOY Moon

  • Nox yaky Sep 1, 2022, 3:14 PM (23 months ago)

    I’m part of the YAC and I think I would make a great addition to your team, it would also be a great resume builder

  • Autumn Sep 14, 2021, 1:42 PM (3 years ago)

    Hi I’m interested in joining the Squamish youth council and getting involved in making decisions and and voicing my opinions!

  • Florence Webster Sep 10, 2021, 5:28 PM (3 years ago)

    I am very interested in having a voice as a youth in Squamish, getting involved, learning and hearing others, and helping spread the voice and opinions of people my age!

  • Christine McLeod Jun 23, 2021, 7:15 PM (3 years ago)

    This is fabulous and can't wait to see this flourish and grow!

  • Leone Braby Aug 22, 2020, 9:36 AM (4 years ago)

    Where? I see no address where this Center is going to be.So many wonderful programs being organized for Youth...
    When is the District going to recognize that there is a Senior population in Squamish that needs the same attention the Youth are getting. Don’t sideline we Seniors!!

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