Updated Oct. 9 - section of Spawning channel remains closed due to high water levels and trail erosion

Update: October 9, 2020:

The spawning channel trails adjacent to the Mamquam River, as shown in the map below, continue to remain closed until further notice due to erosion caused by heavy rainfall. Barricades and signage are in place to indicate the closed section and the public is asked to please stay clear of the area for your safety.

The remainder of the trails in the area away from the riverside remain open.


Update: September 26, 2020:

Sections of the Spawning Channel trails adjacent to the Mamquam River remain closed until further notice due to trail erosion as a result of the heavy rains. Barricades and signage are in place to denote the closed sections, and the public should stay clear of the area for your safety. The remainder of the trails in the area away from the riverside have re-opened.

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September 25, 2020:

Trails in the Spawning Channel area between the Squamish Valley Golf Course and the Mamquam River have been closed due to erosion of the trail along the Mamquam River caused by the recent heavy rainfall.  

The trail area has been closed to the public until further notice.  

An informal dike exists along the water's edge, with the actual Mamquam River dike set back along the golf course. Public Works crews are keeping a close eye on the integrity of the informal dike as the low lying portions of the spawning channels and trails may be impacted. The Water Survey of Canada gauge on the Mamquam River suggests that the worst of the high flows is over for now. The weather forecast is for drier conditions in the coming few days.

The map below indicates the areas to avoid due to trail erosion. Public Works crews have placed barricades to restrict access to the affected area. Please stay out of the area for your safety.

 Spawning channel closure

October 9, 2020

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