October 10, 2023 update: Phase 2 of this project (Discovery Way to Aspen Road) will be complete by the end of October.
The multi-use pathway will be paved, but the road will remain unpaved and inaccessible to public vehicles until the road is tied in to Government Road to the North (Phase 3 – Aspen Road to Government Road). There is no current timeline for Phase 3 of this project.
June 20, 2023 update: Work from Discovery Way to Aspen Road will resume this week and continue through August. Active construction paused while soil ‘preload’ was placed and given a few months in order to help the ground compress and settle which will create the base for the new road. The Discovery Trail will continue to be detoured while work is underway. A temporary trail is accessible through a District lot and will eventually be decommissioned, however as part of the current Pioneer Phase 2 work, the paved and lit multi-use path will be extended to Aspen Road.
October 25, 2022 update:
August 2022 update: Discovery Way to Aspen Road
Phase 2 includes buildout of the new road alignment and installation of required storm/drainage works for the next section of Pioneer Way Extension.
Phase 2 improvements:
Identified as a high priority in the District’s 2031 Multi-Modal Transportation Plan, the Pioneer Way Extension project will extend Pioneer Way from Queens Way to the intersection of Government Road and Centennial Road to form a new arterial route. Upon completion of the three phases, the project will feature a two-lane expansion, sidewalks, a paved multi-use separated pathway, roadway lighting, new storm infrastructure, intersection upgrades and the upgrade of the Discovery Trail to Government Road.
This upgrade will eventually serve as a major entry into the Business Park from the north side of Squamish, help to decrease traffic through the residential North Yards neighbourhood, and upgrade the Discovery Trail to Government Road.
Timeline: November 2020 to May 2022
Impact: Pioneer Way will be closed to all vehicle traffic beginning November 23, 2020.
Paving will take place this Spring (May 2022) and then will reopen to the public.
This phase of the Pioneer Way extension project will see the construction of the road from Queens Way to Discovery Way which includes the following roadway and utility work:
Phase 2 will involve the design and construction of the stretch from Discovery Way to Aspen Road (2021-2022).
October 2023 update: Phase 2 will be complete by the end of October 2023. The multi-use pathway will be paved, but the road will remain unpaved and inaccessible to public vehicles until the road is tied into Government Road to the North (Phase 3 – Aspen to Government).
Phase 3 will involve design and construction of the stretch from Aspen Road to Government Road. There is no current timeline for Phase 3 of this project. Updates to come.
Jon Allan, Engineering Technician, District of Squamish via email.
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Mark Enright Jul 23, 2024, 9:44 PM (6 months ago)
This is a very concerning project, with no thought or care about surrounding properites. Why the District start a project which is not fully funded or has no end completeion date. They dont even have the land ownership sorted out . Its a mess. Dust, noise and the District are the worst neighbours, they dont care how they harm other businesses and neighbours. They also do not maintain the trial and allow homeless camps to flourish and increase the wildfire risk for not maintaining the area.
Declan Wolfe Feb 19, 2022, 3:48 PM (3 years ago)
I think it is very important that Old Highway 99 Road aligns with the 3 way intersection with Government Road and Centennial Way. If Old Highway 99 Road intersects with Government Road south of this intersection, as it currently does (but is decommissioned), this will create traffic congestion, confusion and safety concerns. If the new road were to intersect with Government Road south of the Centennial Way intersection, this would create a second intersection, as well as the entry/exit of a 34 unit townhome complex (The Elements) directly across from it, all within less than 200 meters. I am very familiar with this area right now and it currently can get quite congested and dangerous I believe a pedestrian was struck within the past year). There is a low visibility merge on Government Road and to add an intersection opposite to this merge is potentially dangerous. I believe the most sensible approach would be a 4 way intersection (4 way stop) at the intersection of the new road, Government Road and Centennial Way.
David J Lassmann Jan 29, 2022, 12:04 PM (3 years ago)
There is a group promoting a petition in opposition to this plan who seem to be giving misleading information. In my opinion improved routing north and south of the lower Squamish Valley is all to the good because of the increasing traffic within the District. The plan seems to be mostly an upgrade to existing roads, see Google Maps. Maps shows a Pioneer Street (not Pioneer Way), an Old 99 Hwy that goes from Pioneer Street to Government Road, and an Aspen Road that does not go all the way to Old 99 Hwy. One concern is that Old 99 Hwy enters Government Road very close to the intersection with Centennial Way. I would suggest rerouting that portion of Old 99 Hwy and creating a four-way stop or round-about at Government Road and Centennial Way.
Dave Colwell Jul 1, 2022, 8:08 AM (3 years ago)
You mention a roundabout...This is a good idea. Roundabouts are safer than 4 way stops. They allow more efficient traffic flow and have nearly zero fatalities on average, only possible fender benders because the collisions always tend to be much lower. Us Canadians just have to embrace a wee learning curve that most of the world seems to able to do much better!
Declan Wolfe Feb 19, 2022, 3:29 PM (3 years ago)
I 100% agree with the re-alignment of Old Highway Road to create a 4 way intersection with Government Road and Centennial Way. Any plans to develop Old Highway Road to intersect with Government Road, just South of the Centennial Way intersection would create mass traffic confusion as it is a busy area as it is and it also includes the exit for The Elements townhomes. The 2 intersections and complex entry/exit would be all within 200 metres. I am very familiar with the traffic on this stretch and it is busy and dangerous as it is now (I believe there was a vehicle/pedestrian accident here in the past year). The common sense alignment of Old Highway Road/ Government/ Centennial Way to one common intersection will allow traffic to flow fluidly and safely in this area.
Darlene Anderson Nov 20, 2020, 3:47 PM (4 years ago)
I am against this redevelopment because you are NOT building a dedicated space for bicyclists only. You have a sidewalk for pedestrians - cool, roads for cars - great and then a multiuse path for a cyclist to weave amongst other slower users? This is truly not fair. Cars travel at one speed, pedestrians another and bicyclists another. None of these speeds overlap and it is inconsiderate to lump bicyclists as either a car or a pedestrian. Please create a bicycle only space that is wide enough for passing of two bicycles as bicyclists often travel at different speeds. Other than that - the redevelopment is fine.
Another issue is how you have the road markings on the road as you turn off Queens or NOT to Pioneer way. As I have mentioned before these road markings are dangerous for those going straight.
It is hard not to get tired and frustrated saying the same thing over and over again - but here I am saying it again.
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