UBC Clean Energy Research Centre

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Providing safe, widespread, and equitable access to sustainable energy is one of the key challenges of our time.

The Clean Energy Research Centre (CERC) hosts world-leading researchers who see this challenge as an opportunity to help future generations inherit a better world.


 Idea: Clean, Connected, and Safe Transportation

By partnering with UBC Clean Energy Research Centre, Squamish will be able to provide improvements in energy efficiency, reduction of fossil fuel use, and adoption of renewable energy sources for buildings, vehicles, and industry.

The potential benefits of renewing and upgrading transportation infrastructure include improved economic efficiency, lower environmental impact, greater energy security, greater social equity, and improved public health and safety. Clean, Connected & Safe transportation would help achieve Squamish’s goals of being more resilient, healthy, connected that would lead to a more liveable and engaged community.


Integration of renewable energy with transportation:




The District plans to use the five goals identified within the Squamish2040 Official Community Plan to guide the development of the Challenge statement. Click to view the five goals in a new window.

Select which community OCP goals you think this proposal aligns to.



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