The District of Squamish has identified Environmental Sensitive Areas (ESA) mapping as a strategic priority for 2015-2016.
The overall goal of this project is to provide information that will be used to aid future land use planning in the region, and to support policies and objectives during the Official Community Plan (OCP) review in 2016.
Phase 1 Timeline: March 2015 to May 2015
The results of the ecological data review and governance analysis were combined to determine an overall approach and prioritization for future sensitive areas mapping and associated policy development within the District. Based on this, recommendations have been provided for the improvement of ecological baseline data for the District.
The gap analysis determined that the District should improve the existing Terrestrial Ecosystem Mapping to make it more robust and accurate, and include detailed mapping and inventory of wetlands and the marine foreshore. A future phase of the project will include mapping of watercourses throughout the District.
Further, a Sensitive Ecosystems Inventory mapping system should be developed using the provincial standards, from which environmental sensitivity ratings can be created.
Phase 2 Timeline: September 2015 – April 2016
This project phase will include the following baseline data collection and mapping work:
The results of the mapping will be used to develop the Sensitive Ecosystems Inventory (SEI) classification system and map. From that, a simplified Environmental Sensitivity Rating will be developed, and a GIS and variety of map products will be produced.
Phase 3 Timeline: 2016
Concurrent to the Environmental Sensitive Areas mapping work, stakeholders will be invited to learn more about the project, and will be asked to help identify priorities for future phases of resource inventory. The BC Wildlife Federation has received a modest amount of funding to provide added value to the District of Squamish’s Environmental Sensitive Areas Mapping project with the aim to enhance wetland conservation and empower and engage the local community in the process.
Phase 4 Timeline: 2017
The Sensitive Habitat Inventory and Mapping (SHIM) method is a community-based approach to mapping aquatic habitats and their riparian areas, primarily for settlement areas of British Columbia. SHIM provides current and spatially accurate information about fish and wildlife habitats.
An inventory of key wetlands and watercourses will be completed. This work shall include a field survey of pre-identified watercourse and wetlands, utilizing Sensitive Habitat Inventory and Mapping (SHIM) methods and Riparian Areas Regulation (RAR) Assessment guidelines. The inventory shall meet the minimum definition required in order to set out streamside protection and enhancement areas (SPEA). Primarily, this includes: watercourse centerline, general dimensions and watercourse characteristics; such as: flow (permanence or seasonal), connectivity, fish presence, impedances and barriers, streamside vegetation and bank erosion.
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Issued at 2025-03-22 23:36 UTC by Environment Canada:
Rainfall warning issued for: Howe Sound, B. C.
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