Landfill Vertical Expansion Project
The project has increased the lifespan of the Landfill from 2018 until 2027.

Site Preparation: Clearing and Grubbing (April 2017 – May 2017) completed
- Clearing and grubbing the east and west side of the project work areas including tree and general vegetation removal.
Phase 1: Lower Berm Construction (April 2017 – July 2017) completed
- Preparation of site including stripping and stockpiling topsoil in designated areas.
- Subgrade preparation, ensuring compaction and smoothness is achieved.
- Construction of lower buttress toe berm, supporting the new access road. Capping with topsoil and hydroseed.
- Construct stormwater management infrastructure including catch basin, storm sewer pipe and stormwater swale/ditch.
- Resurface roads with 19 mm minus, mulch and install traffic signs.
Phase 2: MSE Wall Construction (September 2017 – April 2019) completed
- General stripping and regrading of MSE wall subgrade as well as foundation preparation.
- General excavation, hauling and placement of owner supplied clean fill to construct the MSE perimeter wall along the active landfilling area.
- Installation of MSE wall and controlled density fill, to approx. 7m height.
- Construction of leachate management infrastructure including HDPE slotted leachate collector pipes, cleanouts, and sumps.
- LLDPE geomembrane system installation for leachate containment purposes.
- Construction of a new wildlife electric fence.
Phase 3: MSE Wall Construction (April 2019 – January 2020) completed
- General excavation, hauling and placement of owner supplied clean fill to construct the MSE perimeter wall along the active landfilling area.
- Installation of MSE wall and controlled density fill, to approx. 10m height.
- Supply and installation of geosynthetics including LLDPE geomembrane and non-woven geotextiles.
- Construction of leachate management and stormwater management systems.
- Resurface driving surface on top of wall with 19 mm minus and installation of safety barriers and security gates.
The completed MSE wall is approximately 10m high and 500m in length. The project is estimated to provide an additional 7 years filling capacity at Squamish Landfill.