The District created a steering group of residents aged 55 and older to develop ideas and a public survey about how to best deliver recreation programming across the District’s three recreation facilities.
Through the survey process, the District and the steering group worked collaboratively to seek feedback from the community on the ideas developed by the steering group.
The survey was open from September 15 - October 4, 2021.
The Westwinds building is expected to open in Fall 2022. It is located at 38275 Third Ave, directly behind the Chieftain Centre downtown. Please watch this video to see what the new space in the Westwinds building will look like.
The space available for recreation and culture programming in the building consists of a multi-purpose room (2413 sq. ft.) and a fitness/rehab room (1466 sq. ft.). The multi-purpose room offers a large space which will be suitable for a variety of activities and programming. The fitness/rehab room will be equipped with fitness equipment to support physical activity programming for residents aged 55 and older.
The District has leased the space daily from 9am until 2pm for use by Squamish residents aged 55 and older. The space is located on the main floor of the building and is close to a bus route. There will also be 18 visitor parking stalls available, two accessible parking stalls, and two drop off parking stalls. Additional street parking is available nearby.
The introduction of the Westwinds building presents a unique opportunity to evaluate current programming available to Squamish residents aged 55 and older, the locations these programs are best suited to, and to plan for new programs.
Between the Westwinds Seniors Hub, Brennan Park Recreation Centre, and the 55 Activity Centre, the District will soon have three facilities to offer recreational programming for residents aged 55 and older.
Each of the three facilities offer unique equipment and physical space. The District is now working to determine how to best utilize use these facilities in order to best deliver recreation programming for all residents aged 55 and older.
The programming model is being developed with consultation and input from residents aged 55 and older across Squamish.
The District was excited to work with a steering group of committed residents aged 55 and older to determine how to best deliver a wide-range of recreation programming across our three facilities (Brennan Park Recreation Centre, The 55 Activity Centre, and the Westwinds Building).
September 2020: A Westwinds Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was presented to the Committee of the Whole.
March 2021: An Engagement Strategy was presented to the Committee of the Whole.
April - May 2021: An open call was launched for residents aged 55+ to apply to participate in the steering group.
June - September 2021: The steering group participated in three meetings to develop initial ideas and themes on the recreational programming model for people aged 55 and older.
Fall 2021: The District shared a survey with the broader community of residents aged 55 and older to collect feedback on the ideas and themes developed by the steering group.
October 26, 2021: An engagement summary and recommendations on recreation programming were presented to Council.
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Jane Walker Oct 1, 2021, 10:53 AM (3 years ago)
Seniors recreational facilities are important for the physical and mental health for everyone in our community. We all need physical and mental stimulation to stay healthy.
Bonnie Cranston Oct 1, 2021, 10:32 AM (3 years ago)
A workout facility for Seniors geared towards the mobility of most Seniors.
A meeting area where programs on health and happiness for Seniors can be presented. Programs educating Seniors on how to adjust their lives to be happy and comfortable within themselves.
A small kitchen area where Seniors can receive information on how to downsize their cooking aimed at preparing healthy meals. Adjusting to cooking for only one. Nutrition factors.
If there is room for a pottery room in the Arts and Craft area. It would be nice to have an area where Seniors could spend time creating a project for use or a gift for someone.
An intertwined program that Seniors can share time with younger children.
Perhaps this would be a spot that the dancing and music could be shared at some point.
I know I am really reaching far but even a coffee shop where Seniors could go for coffee and find out what is transpiring throughout the Seniors world in Squamish. This was available before.
Having programs with the schools in town that include the Senior population whether an arts and craft day or a special invite to the rehearsal of the Christmas Concert.
A program for people who want to know more regarding different Nationalities of people who live in Squamish . Kind of a "Share your history" program
Several Seniors still enjoy the Lawn Bowling, it's a stretch but is there a way a regular Bowling Lane could be brought back.
Also a place where movies could be enjoyed once in a while.
Sorry....too may ideas.
Bill Berg Sep 29, 2021, 3:48 PM (3 years ago)
Stop pushing existing Senior Programs to other location and open the55+ with the Programs we are used to. An d it would be good help us running and publishing same and not standing in he way.
Dora Wint Sep 29, 2021, 5:41 PM (3 years ago)
I completely disagree with split locations for activities. Some elders can't walk, don't own a vehicle, are not allowed to drive and may not be able to get around easily to take busses. You either centralize the activities or provide free transportation to the three different locales.
Carrie Freeman Sep 29, 2021, 12:08 PM (3 years ago)
We need times to be longer during the day.
Lana Burton Sep 27, 2021, 6:25 PM (3 years ago)
music and dancing would be healthy and fun to keep our minds full of inspiration
Hal Hughson Sep 24, 2021, 9:48 AM (3 years ago)
"The District has leased the space daily from 9am until 2pm..." - this 2 pm time seems to be a bit short or early ti end a afternoon session
What happened to the evening sessions ?
Pennie McNutt Sep 22, 2021, 6:58 PM (4 years ago)
I would like a fitness facility that has equipment for strength training and cardio equipment with the option of having a fitness trainer at a reasonable price.
Patsy Craig Sep 20, 2021, 12:07 AM (4 years ago)
Activities appropriate for the variety of ages, physical and social abilities, interest, peer support, cost may be v important, include your community's artist's, musicians, (many may be seniors) to engage, writing, poetry, story telling, languages, cultural, arts + crafts, communication/ newsletters, computer, smart phones, a plain cell training and or access...there m
Funds are availability for seniors / agencies who serve seniors to develop such courses, mobile communications ,use of internet, purchase of chrome books, internet access, telecommunication companies, etc ., introduce intergenerational, intercultural volunteerism/ interrelationships, engage your community's artist's, musicians, authors/writers, business/entrepreneurs encourage as much movement of the body and mind, some may say spiritual to encompass the whole person
Sue Smyth Sep 18, 2021, 10:14 AM (4 years ago)
I would appreciate having a workout facility, with age related sessions, supervised by kinesiologist (or other qualified personnel).
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