The District of Squamish is developing a new Transportation Master Plan and the process will launch with the first phase of public engagement, on now. The new plan will identify issues with the current transportation network. It will also plan for future growth and consider bigger-picture outcomes such as emissions, community and individual health, neighbourhood connectivity, transportation choice, and equity.
The Transportation Master Plan will consider all modes of transportation, such as: walking, cycling, rolling (i.e. skateboard/scooter), taking the bus, driving a car, and commercial transportation.
“So much has changed since the last master plan was adopted back in 2011, this update will align transportation planning with our community’s trajectory and the external pressures and desired outcomes that we can anticipate over the next 20 years,” says District of Squamish Mayor Armand Hurford.
Community Input Needed
Everyone has different transportation needs, and so the District hopes to hear from a wide variety of residents – of all ages, across all neighbourhoods, across a variety of transportation mode preferences, as well as those with disabilities. The District invites community members to share their transportation experiences and challenges, as well as their ideas for how the transportation network could be improved.
Input during this first phase will be used to help identify existing issues, barriers or gaps in the transportation network and to inform the development of transportation options for a future phase of engagement. “When the transportation system works for everyone, we improve the livability of our community,” continues Hurford. “We want to learn from the experiences of residents to help us identify any barriers or critical missing links so that we can ensure the transportation network is designed in a way that is safe, efficient, convenient, comfortable and effective for all of us over the next 20 years or more.”
Project Timeline
The project will undergo four phases over a 12-14 month process: Understanding, Envisioning, Planning and Implementation. Community engagement will be a key component of the first three phases.
When the Plan is complete the District will have an updated list of recommended transportation infrastructure improvements, a plan to complete these capital projects, and a series of transportation policy recommendations.
For detailed project and timeline information, please visit To complete the survey or any of the engagement activities, visit
November 23, 2022
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