Pedestrian Bridge – Mamquam Blind Channel


In 2017, Council approved a developer amenity contribution for the Waterfront Landing development (SEAandSKY) which will provide a benefit to Squamish residents who live in the southern neighbourhoods of town, and to Downtown residents and visitors providing access to a new waterfront park. The pedestrian lift bridge will connect both sides of the Mamquam Blind Channel at Victoria Street.

The pedestrian bridge will provide an important active transportation link for residents of Waterfront Landing, Valleycliffe, Hospital Hill, the St'a7mes community, and Downtown Squamish, creating more opportunities to walk and cycle to/from Downtown Squamish and further reduce the reliance on vehicle use. The Corridor Trail connects to the new Clarke Drive bridge west of Highway 99, which will then easily connect to Downtown via this pedestrian bridge.

Project Information

The current construction phase of the bridge is developer-led, with a developer-procured Prime Contract. The project developers are Bosa Properties Inc. and Kingswood Properties. 

Designed by Rafael Santa Ana Architecture Workshop, the bridge, constructed of corten steel, will accommodate both pedestrian and waterway traffic. It will also feature artwork by Squamish Nation artists Carla Spence and Calvin Dawson. Key features include designated viewpoints with seating, accessibility provisions, a double drawbridge for waterway traffic flow and an operator's kiosk for bridge management.

Once complete, the bridge will be owned and managed by the District of Squamish.

A new District-owned community park is being developed at Waterfront Landing (by the developer) that includes walkways, lookout points, and active play areas as well as natural areas and shoreline restoration. Phase one opened in September 2023.

Construction Information

In-water piling is expected to resume mid August 2024 to support the structure of the new pedestrian bridge. The pedestrian bridge is expected to be complete this winter. This work is being done in compliance with the District of Squamish Noise Regulation Bylaw along with federal authorization from the Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada, and District authorization via a servicing agreement and other environmental permits.

In-water piling phase of the pedestrian bridge is now paused in accordance with the Fisheries and Oceans Canada authorization, and is anticipated to resume in Summer 2024.

In-water piling work is now underway in order to support the structure of the new pedestrian bridge. This initial phase of construction is set to be complete by the end of February 2024, with out-of-water foreshore construction expected to be complete by spring 2024. This work is being done in compliance with the District of Squamish Noise Regulation Bylaw along with federal authorization from Fisheries and Oceans Canada, and District authorization via a servicing agreement and other environmental permits.


Questions and Answers

The bridge connects both sides of the Mamquam Blind Channel, providing access to Waterfront Landing Park from Downtown Squamish, and creating a cycling/pedestrian connection to Downtown from south Squamish. (Waterfront Landing Park was developed as part of the Waterfront Landing amenity contributions).

Location Details 
(click to enlarge)

WFL Detailed Location Maps


Once complete, the bridge will be owned and managed by the District of Squamish. In preparation, the District is actively looking to contract operation to a third-party operator.

The District has undertaken prior work to budget and plan for the operation of the bridge in its Five-Year Financial Plan

The District's engagement with a third-party operator is to better understand the challenges, risks, expectations and potential costs associated with the staffing and operation of such a facility. This information will assist in the determination of future purchasing options and requirements as it pertains to the operation of the Pedestrian Drawbridge to make sure we choose the most sustainable option going forward. 

The pedestrian lift bridge must meet the Navigable Waters Bridge Regulations of the Navigation Protection Act and any safety requirements established by Transport Canada or the District of Squamish.  The bridge operation is intended to provide access for marine users on an “as-needed” basis, with some variation in response times and procedures depending on the time of day and season.

The following Operating Parameter terms and conditions, as approved by Transport Canada, will govern the initial operation of the bridge:

Operational Topic Operating Parameter
Summer Operating Season April 1 – October 31
Winter Operating Season November 1 – March 31
Summer Operating Times 7 am - 10 pm
Winter Operating Times 8 am - 5:30 pm
Summer Operator Response Time* 10 minutes or less
Winter Operating Response Time* 15 minutes or less
Response times outside of Operating Hours* 30 minutes or less
Cycle time ** Cycle time less than 10 minutes


* Response times refer to the time the bridge tender has to respond to a lift request.

** Cycle time refers to the time it takes to close the pedestrian gates, initiate the lift, allow the vessel to pass, close the lift and close the pedestrian gates.

In addition to the on-site bridge tender, a number of steps will be in place to address safety:

  • Marine communication protocols will include VHF frequency and cell phone call-in number.
  • Safety gates, sensors, and lights to prevent unauthorized access during lifts.
  • A closed-circuit television (CCTV) system will be established and managed by District staff to track all openings and transit data. This system will provide upstream and downstream views of the channel and pedestrian gates.

The pedestrian bridge requires and has received, approval from the Navigation Protection Program of Transport Canada due to the potential impacts on navigation in the Mamquam Blind Channel. It has also received Fisheries Act authorization through Fisheries and Oceans Canada. 

The initial phase of work will involve driving piles into the Channel, which will support the bridge structure. This will create some noise impacts.

Additional pile driving work will also be undertaken as part of the foreshore construction at the Waterfront Landing site. This work will be done in compliance with the District of Squamish Noise Regulation Bylaw along with federal authorization from Fisheries and Oceans Canada, and District authorization via a servicing agreement and other environmental permits.

Project Timeline

The developer is required to complete the pedestrian bridge prior to issuance of final Occupancy Permits for Phase 2 of the overall development. Construction of the bridge began in fall 2023 and is expected to be completed in spring 2025.

Contact Information

Developer Contact Information:

Inquiries and comments from the community can be directed to: [email protected]


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