Ecube is proposing to help the District of Squamish to reduce operational costs by eliminating unnecessary pick-ups, providing dynamic collection routes and schedules for a complete optimization of the collection operations. The following diagram depicts Ecube Labs’ hardware technologies (CleanFLEX, CleanCUBE, CleanTRACK Module) and waste analytics software (CleanCityNetworks):
The infusion of Internet of Things-based technology in industries has provided the ability to collect a variety of data that had been previously unavailable and is bringing forth new opportunities to maximize operational efficiency. The integration of smart waste management technologies (e.g. solar-powered waste compacting bins, ultrasonic fill-level sensors, and GPS tracking systems) with waste collection optimization software will allow Squamish waste management stakeholders to monitor fill levels, optimize collection routes, check battery levels, waste overflow status, and fire or hazard events.
Ecube Labs’ smart bins can be customized to be used as multi-functional smart stations with features such as air quality sensors, foot traffic density sensors, CCTV cameras, barometers, video panels, information booths, proximity or motion-activated AR/VR advertising and act as Wifi access points.
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