Filming Application Process

If you intend to film in the District of Squamish, please contact the Film & Events Department to discuss your intentions including proposed dates, locations, and filming activities.

*Britannia Beach is not within our jurisdiction - please consult the SLRD

Once you have confirmed your filming locations with the District of Squamish, please follow these steps - please submit all required applications at least five business days prior to any filming activity in Squamish.

Step 1 - Filming Applications, Business Licence & Insurance

For all filming within the District of Squamish, complete and/or submit the following:

  1. Filming Application Form and submit to for review and approval. Please ensure you complete all sections of the application prior to submission. $150 processing fee applies.

    *FILMING ON MUNICIPAL-OWNED PROPERTY: If you plan to film or stage your production (crew park, circus) on municipal-owned property (including roads, parks and municipal-owned lands), you must also complete a Film Licence Agreement and submit this at the same time as your Filming Application. $50 processing fee applies.

  2. Film Production Business Licence Application and submit to for review and approval. It will take approximately 2 business days to process your application. You will be notified when your licence is approved and ready for pick-up and payment. Please pay for your permit in person at Municipal Hall (37955 Second Ave, Squamish) by debit, cash or cheque (credit card not currently available). $130 fee per year applies.
  3. A copy of $5 million Commercial General Liability (CGL) insurance naming the District of Squamish as additional insured. Additional insurance up to the amount of $10 million CGL may be required if filming at the Municipal Airport.

Step 2 - Security Deposit

If you plan to film or stage your production on municipal-owned property (including roads), you must provide minimum $5,000 security deposit (confirm this amount with Film & Events Department prior to payment).

Step 3 - Additional Permits

  • Apply for a Work Permit for the use of roads (lock-ups; parking stalls), sidewalks, and for street closures (no fee for application; street use fees apply; one required per location)
  • Apply for a Bulk Water Permit (only if applicable; access to fire hydrants is restricted)
  • Apply for a Noise Exemption Permit (only if applicable; noise prohibited between the hours of 10 p.m. to 8 a.m.; requirements and fees vary - please refer to the Noise Regulation Bylaw for more information)
  • Apply for all Electrical Permits directly with Technical Safety BC.

Step 4 - Review & Pay Applicable Fees

Effective October 21, 2015, all productions filming in the District of Squamish are required to pay filming fees that vary depending on locations, municipal land use, and the number of filming days. Please review the filming fees and contact the Film & Events Department to confirm which fees may be applicable to your production. Filming fees must be paid prior to filming or deducted from the security deposit if applicable.

Step 5 - 7 Things to Remember When Filming in Squamish

Carefully read 7 Things To Remember When Filming in Squamish and ensure all of your production crew is aware of Squamish's Bylaws especially:
  • Use of lockable bear-proof bins for all outside waste (regular open garbage bins are not permitted). Failure to comply may result in fines up to $10,000, and place wildlife and people at risk. Contact a local waste management company for available services. Review the Wildlife Attractant Bylaw for details.
  • Placement of signage only where permitted. Failure to comply may result in fines up to $10,000, and place drivers at risk. Review the District of Squamish Traffic Regulation Bylaw for details.
  • Permitted circus and crew load-in and load-out times. All load-in and load-out filming activities on municipal AND private land (including the arrival, set-up and load-out of circus vehicles and crew trucks) must be completed during permitted hours (8am to 10pm, 7 days a week).

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