5 Goals of the Official Community Plan and what they mean for the future of Squamish

Last week, we released a 12-page Squamish 2040 Executive Summary and full Discussion Draft of the Official Community Plan (OCP), which once finalized will become Squamish's most important plan for the future.
OCP objectives and policies are focused on supporting and achieving five core goals for Squamish. These five OCP goals are intended to reflect the community's aspirations, interests and concerns expressed through community inputs received to date.
Here's what the five goals mean for the future of our town.
In 2040, Squamish residents, businesses, organizations and government work together to adapt to change creatively and collaboratively.
In 2040, Squamish is highly liveable with a vibrant small town feel.
In 2040, our community has a holistic view of health that looks at ecological, physical, emotional and spiritual aspects of well-being.
In 2040, people in Squamish feel connected, welcomed and genuinely included. It's easy to get around and residents feel connected to each other, to the region, and to the world.
In 2040, the community is passionate and engaged in community and civic life. A culture of collaboration supports meaningful opportunities for people to get involved.
Read the Executive Summary and full Discussion Draft and bring your questions, comments and ideas to our May 24 public event, from 6 to 9 at the Brennan Park Recreation Centre arena.
May 19, 2017
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