Official Community Plan Update - How Did We Get Here


After many months of visioning, policy review, drafting and public engagement with hundreds of Squamish residents aged 8 to 80, the District of Squamish Official Community Plan (OCP) update process is  complete. 

View the visual journey.


Here's a look back at the work we've done to date:

Phase 1 Engagement Summary Report

Phase 2 Engagement Summary Report

Phase 3 Engagement Summary Report 


 May 2017 Preliminary Discussion Draft Materials:

Read the 12-page
Executive Summary

Exec Summary Cover5

Review the Discussion Draft, map schedules and companion documents

OCPDD cover2



Why does the OCP matter? 

District planners, Council, Squamish residents, students, businesses and community organizations talk about the Official Community Plan, what it means and how we're planning for the future



Useful links:

A-Z of OCP: OCP Workbook Glossary Definitions

OCP Workbooks

#Squamish2040 Issues and Backgrounders

What is an Official Community Plan?

A behind the scenes look at writing an Official Community Plan

5 Goals of the Official Community Plan and what they mean for the future of Squamish

What's in a logo? 


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