The Land Conservancy of British Columbia (TLC) and the District of Squamish have announced the creation of a 36.69-hectare (90.66-acre) conservation area known as Garibaldi Springs Ecological Reserve. The centrally located conservation area protects and expands critical habitat for provincially red-listed species. Stewardship will also include the re-wilding of altered forest and riparian areas.
The ecological reserve was made possible through land dedication and site remediation work by Polygon Developments Ltd. as part of an overall development plan for this previous golf course site.
The Garibaldi Springs site on Tantalus Road was rezoned in October 2018 with an overall development plan providing for a large ecological reserve (shown in green on adjacent plan), active park uses (orange area) and residential development (blue). Dedication of the public park lands to the District, restoration of habitat areas and construction of parks and trails are key elements of the community amenities secured during the rezoning process. Transfer of park land to the District is currently underway through a subdivision process.
Park Design
The overall park design can be viewed at this link. The focus of the park area is habitat restoration from the previous golf course use, as well as a main active “hub park” near the Tantalus Road entrance providing play areas, picnic areas, bike wash station, washrooms and other facilities. A trail network runs through the active park area and links the main residential “nodes” on the site. Once completed, access to the park and trails will be available from Dowad Drive, Tantalus Road and Newport Ridge Drive. Final details of the park design are being completed and will be secured in a Servicing Agreement with the developer.
Current Habitat Restoration Work
The project developer (Polygon Homes) is currently proceeding with habitat restoration work as authorized by the Province and Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) and by a environmental development permit issued by the District in April 2021. This work consists of removal of existing/older culverts and bridges, decommissioning some previous cart paths/trails, new riparian plantings, creation of new wetlands and upland plantings. Details of the approved environmental restoration can be viewed here.
Next Steps in Park Construction
As habitat restoration work is completed, the active use areas of the park will be completed, including trail construction/restoration, installation of lighting, benches, picnic and play equipment. Completion of the “hub park”, main trail loop and bike skills/pocket park is anticipated for late fall 2024, at which time the trails and play areas will be open to the public. Trails linking the residential “nodes” will be completed with each adjacent residential area. Habitat restoration works are ongoing and expected to be completed by May 2025.
Please note that the park area is closed to the public during park construction for safety reasons.
Corridor Trail Extension Project
Work to extend the Corridor Trail along Tantalus Road to the Brackendale highway overpass will begin on Monday, February 19. Work will include tree removal along some sections of Tantalus Road, and the contractor will make all efforts to retain trees that are not located directly within the pathway.
This work is being completed as part of the Garibaldi Springs development project and is fully funded by the developer and was identified as a priority in the District’s 2016 Active Transportation Plan, 2018 Official Community Plan, and the Skyridge Montesorri Active and Safe Routes to School.
Located on Tantalus Road, the Garibaldi Springs site was rezoned in October 2018 with an overall development plan that provided a large ecological reserve, active park uses and residential development.
The District secured several community amenities from the developer during the rezoning process, including dedication of the public parklands, restoration of habitat areas and construction of parks and trails.
Work is anticipated to be complete by May.
For comments, questions, or more information, please contact Polygon Homes Ltd. at 604.877.1131 or by email at
If you have questions on the park development, please contact Dave Marrow, Director of Major Projects (email or 604.815.4953).
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