Filming Policy

The purpose of this policy is to clearly demonstrate the District of Squamish’s commitment to supporting the film industry including filming activities and the retention and growth of the local industry.

The District of Squamish strives to encourage and support the film industry in Squamish by: 

  1. promoting Squamish as a film-friendly location;
  2. streamlining the process for obtaining municipal authorization for filming in Squamish;
  3. encouraging the development of business, industry and expertise in Squamish to support the film industry; 
  4. minimizing any impact on the community and general public as a result of filming;
  5. ensuring appropriate liability insurance for the use of public facilities for filming (minimum $5M);
  6. ensuring that filming doesn’t cause irreparable damage to public property and if damage occurs, the film company is responsible for repairs as required; 
  7. encouraging participation in environmentally responsible community initiatives and a commitment to follow Creative BC’s Reel Green best practices in an effort to reduce the environmental impact of the filming industry in Squamish;
  8. ensuring that the municipality recovers its costs, where appropriate, for filming services rendered; and
  9. ensuring that filming activities observe District of Squamish Bylaws and policies.


  • Film Industry: The film industry or motion picture industry comprises the technological and commercial institutions of film making, i.e. film production companies, film studios, cinematography, film production, screenwriting, pre-production, post production, film festivals, distribution; and actors, film directors and other film crew personnel.
  • Filming Activities: Filming activities include scouting of locations; pre-production preparations such as crew arrival, equipment load-in and set decoration; filming and/or still photography; and any all activities involved in wrapping the production so that all areas, lands and infrastructure are returned to their prior condition. 

View the complete Filming Policy.

Applying to Film in Squamish

If you would like to apply to film in Squamish, please read the Filming Application Process.


If you have any questions about the District of Squamish Filming Policy, please contact the Film & Events Department at or 604-848-4374.

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