(Last updated: January 10)
A new construction phase is underway for Project One: Green and Accessibility Retrofit Project
Timeline |
Construction start date Q2 2024 |
Budget |
$21M |
Next Steps |
Continue community and user-group engagement. |
The District of Squamish is upgrading Brennan Park Recreation Centre. Completion of the project is expected to take place in phases, over several years, as funding becomes available. The vision is for a future Centre that will include a second ice rink and second pool, as well as new programming and administration space, accessibility upgrades, and energy retrofits.
Brennan Park projects are likely to be funded by federal and provincial grants, as they become available and as the District is able to match the funds for the municipal-match portion.
Brennan Park Recreation Centre will continue to operate during the renovations however there will be some impact on programs and community use. The community will be notified of operational impacts during construction via signage, District newsletters, and social media.
The Green and Accessibility Retrofit Project is the first of many projects slated for Brennan Park Recreation Centre. It forms the first stage of a long-term plan that is in line with the Real Estate and Facilities Master Plan (REFMP) and is only a small portion of work required for the Centre.
This $21M project is funded in part by $11.7M from the Green and Inclusive Community Buildings program (Infrastructure Canada). We are very grateful for this program's support.
The scope of work must follow grant requirements, which have strict guidelines of what can be built under this grant platform. The District has worked within this guideline, plus the REFMP, to determine the scope of work. Projects such as a new pool or ice rink do not fall within this grant guideline, however, the District continues to plan these longer-term projects (in line with the REMFP).
Green Retrofit
New Construction and Accessibility installations
Construction Retrofit
Federal and provincial grants totalling $10,407,716 were announced for Brennan Park Recreation Centre on July 30, 2024.
An accessible splash park and playground are currently being planned for Brennan Park Recreation Centre. Residents will be invited to provide input into the design process as this project moves forward. Engagement will take place in early 2024.
Brennan Park Recreation Centre’s new dog park will open to the public in 2024 once the grass surface is ready and the finishing touches have been installed.
Two tennis courts were remediated and six pickleball courts were installed at Brennan Park in 2023. The remaining two tennis courts are planned to be remediated in 2024.
Improvements to the connecting trail between the recreation centre and Finch Drive are being planned. Details will be shared as this project progresses.
A covered bike park is being explored for the Brennan Park Fields and Lands, and District staff are in discussions with a possible proponent. Details will be shared as this project progresses.
The SORCA Bike Skills Park along Loggers Lane, adjacent to the Brennan Park Recreation Centre auditorium, has been undergoing a comprehensive re-build. SORCA has advised that this project will re-open once paving is complete, which must wait for better weather. View the SORCA update here.
At an estimated +$100M price tag (and growing), this will be done in phases as funding for each phase is sourced and confirmed. Grants offered by the federal and provincial governments are an important funding stream. A grant of $11.7M has been secured for the first project, and will fund energy retrofits and accessibility improvements ($21M total project budget). The District is awaiting a decision on a $12.4M grant from the CleanBC Community Fund.
Federal and provincial grants are issued for very specific types of projects, which will dictate what work gets done and when.
District staff continue to engage recreation user groups to help define specific projects in support of future grant opportunities.
Funding, as per the grant parameters, will upgrade the building envelope to improve its energy efficiency and indoor air quality, as well as reduce its greenhouse gas emissions. View the full announcement.
The community was invited to a drop-in Information Night on Thursday, February 1 between 4 and 8 p.m. Details on the improvements set to begin in the coming months were on display, as well as a look ahead at our plans for improving Brennan Park Recreation Centre. Project staff were also on hand to answer questions.
Click here to view the information boards
Click here to visit Let's Talk Squamish for more information on the Splash Park and Playground.
Construction is set to begin next week on relocated pickleball courts and upgraded tennis courts. Six new pickleball courts will be built and the two northern tennis courts will be dismantled and rebuilt as part of the project. The northern tennis courts will be closed during construction, however the two southern tennis courts will remain open throughout and are slated for an upgrade in 2024. The project is estimated to be complete by end of August for end-of-summer play. Read the news release here.
This is a preliminary plan that enables us to now ground-truth with outside experts and the various organizations that use the facility and surrounding lands.
Finalizing a master plan is an important piece to set us up for securing grant funding for the various phases to take place over time.
View the Report to Council during the June 13, 2023 Committee of the Whole. View the meeting video.
The District of Squamish is embarking on the next phase of facility investments in Squamish by reviewing municipal facilities and land requirements in a fiscally responsible manner. Council approved an amendment to the 2023-2027 Financial Plan Bylaw to support a Real Estate and Facilities Master Plan (REFMP) Pre-Development project.
Scope of Work*: The following retrofit and upgrade works will be undertaken as part of this first project:
*This project is funded by the Green and Inclusive Community Buildings Program, therefore the scope of work must remain within the parameters set by the grant supplier.
A $16.3M project - Project One: Green and Accessibility Retrofit Project - that will kick start a series of Brennan Park Recreation Centre upgrades over the coming years is moving forward! A Request for Proposals has been issued to hire the project team that will complete this first phase of work. This work is defined by the recently successful federal grant application announced in July. The grant will cover $11.7M of the project costs.
*This grant is funded through the federal Green and Inclusive Community Buildings program. Eligible work under the grant includes the following: green retrofit projects such as the ice arena and pool heating/cooling reclaim system upgrades; new construction to add an elevator to an expanded second floor; renovation of the second-floor mezzanine for a fitness/program room with adaptable equipment: renovation of ice rink changerooms and lobby.
The District of Squamish received funding from the Green and Inclusive Community Buildings program (Infrastructure Canada) for the start of a deep energy retrofit, facility upgrades for better community accessibility, and an interior renovation for Squamish’s main recreation complex.
The federally-funded Green and Inclusive Community Buildings (GICB) program aims to build more community buildings and improve existing infrastructure – particularly in areas where the population is experiencing higher needs while also making the buildings more energy efficient with lower carbon emissions, more resilient, and higher performing.
For the past several years, the District has engaged with stakeholders and the public regarding the future of Brennan Park Recreation Centre and its fields and lands.
Council approved an amendment to the 2023-2027 Financial Plan Bylaw to support a Pre-Development project to undertake the necessary due diligence in order to determine the feasibility of future additional Brennan Park Recreation Centre upgrade projects.
User-group, stakeholder, and partnership collaboration continues. District begins applications for grants to fund Brennan Park upgrades. Work on new dog park, SORCA skills park, and pickleball/tennis court upgrades begin. Long-term leases with community partners continue, expanding the capacity of work on the Brennan Park Fields and Land Master Plan.
The Brennan Park Fields and Land Master Plan is endorsed by Council. This land use document focuses on surrounding land and assigns future space allotments for use by activity.
Critical elements from the REFMP are incorporated into Long-term Financial Plan and Annual Budget processes. Public engagement with user-groups begins for detailed design nuances on planned upgrades and renovations.
District of Squamish develops a Real Estate and Facilities Strategy and the Re-create Brennan Park Campaign is launched. Community input from the 2012/13 Parks and Recreation Master Plan forms the starting point for community conversations. Development of a two-pronged community engagement campaign was developed and held to build on the findings of the 2012/13 Parks and Recreation Master Plan.
The Parks and Recreation Master Plan is developed. Significant public engagement was conducted during development. The plan laid a path for the future of both the Recreation Centre and surrounding parkland providing a solid foundation for future community discussion. A stronger mandate for community engagement was developed with a shift towards a Community Development Model.
Brennan Park Recreation Centre is being upgraded/expanded rather than being demolished/rebuilt because:
As construction will occur as funding for each phase is sourced and confirmed, construction may take several years before the whole project is complete. Project timelines will be released individually.
Project One: Green and Accessibility Retrofit Project is anticipated to take up to two years to complete (end of 2026).
A Master Plan for the future Centre is currently underway. Updates to come mid-2024.
March 4, 2025 at 12:23 AM
Overnight Lane Closures on Cleveland Avenue March 3 to 7
This week, Public Works will remove the landscaping on the traffic island located along Cleveland Avenue at Highway 99.
February 14, 2025 at 7:57 PM
Watermain Upgrade Program 2025
The District of Squamish will be upgrading and repairing select watermains as part of the annual watermain upgrade program.