Re-create Your Future Brennan Park Recreation Centre

This project was completed 2018.

Brennan Park Future

We are imagining our future Brennan Park Recreation Centre. 

Brennan Park Recreation Centre Upgrades and Expansion

Our community is growing and to meet current demand and future community needs, Brennan Park Recreation Centre requires significant upgrades and renovations. The cost of expanding Brennan Park Recreation Centre will need to be funded through various ways. The District of Squamish is actively exploring innovative funding models to generate sponsorships, partnerships and grants.  

What has happened so far: 

The much-loved and well-used Brennan Park Recreation Centre and is in need of renovation and expansion, and the District of Squamish invited public input in spring 2018 into a set of options for how this could best be achieved. A community discussion also took place about the surrounding Brennan Park fields and lands, and the full range of community needs and activities which could be accommodated over time. Community input will continue to be invited at key milestones as we move towards a common vision.

What we heard: 

The Engagement Summary was presented to Council on October 2, 2018. 

View the Engagement Summary.

View the presentation to Council. 

Preliminary results from the public engagement were presented to Council on July 24, 2018. 

View the presentation to Council.

View Committee of the Whole - July 24, 2018 


  • Three options  for an expanded recreation centre were developed based on stakeholder and community input through the 2012/13 Parks and Recreation Master Plan development. A thoughtful engagement process in spring 2018 captured the viewpoints, needs and priorities of the community in 2018, as planning for a new facility moves forward.
  • A second piece of the engagement was to invite residents, including all current user groups, to share their ideas for the future of the surrounding Brennan Park fields and lands, and what they value most about the whole site.

View the three options for a renewed Brennan Park Recreation Centre (provide feedback on these options through the survey, linked above):

  • Option 1 - Expand and Upgrade
  • Option 2 - Expand and Upgrade (same as Option 1 with reconfigured ice arena and wellness/fitness space)
  • Option 3 - Replace  

View a cost comparison of proposed options to other communities, plus how Squamish ranks against other communities in terms of recreation facilities. 

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Sign up for the Recreation newsletter to stay up to date and view the summary reports from the public engagement activities.


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Brennan Park Recreation Centre requires significant upgrades and expansion to meet current demand and future community needs. As Squamish continues to grow, plans to upgrade the recreation centre are getting underway. 

As well, the surrounding Brennan Park (from Centennial Way to Finch Drive) has evolved as community needs have arisen, and was made possible by the fundraising and hard work of volunteers and community groups. As the land available for recreation use is limited, it is necessary to have clear direction to guide long-term decision-making on where and what facilities should be accommodated in Brennan Park. 

The Parks and Recreation Master Plan from 2012/13 involved significant public engagement and laid out a path for the future of both the Recreation Centre and surrounding parkland. This plan provides a solid foundation for a community discussion to determine whether the findings are still valid five years later and after 14% growth in our community (change between the census populations of 2011 and 2016).

A Brennan Park Fields and Lands Master Plan was adopted by Council in December 2021.



Community input comes from residents of all ages. Council recently welcomed these special guests from Brackendale Elementary School who made a Brennan Park Recreation Centre model that they presented to Council, along with a song!



February 20, 2018 - Report to Committee of the Whole meeting - concept plans were presented based on community input from the 2012/13 Parks & Recreation Master Plan. These plans form the starting point for a community conversation in 2018. 

May 2018 - Development of a two-pronged community engagement campaign to build on the findings of the 2012/13 Parks & Recreation Master Plan.

June 12 - 26, 2018 - Online questionnaire available

June 16, 2018 - Public Visioning Event #1

June 20, 2018 - Public Visioning Event #2 (both events are the same format, scheduled at different times to accommodate the most number of residents).

July 24, 2018 - Presentation of preliminary community engagement results to Council.

October 2, 2018 - Engagement Summary was presented to Council. 

Next steps: Finalize plans and explore potential funding opportunities:

  • Real Estate and Facility Master Plan
    • Prioritizes recreation infrastructure within all District facility needs
    • Reviews and recommends funding options
  • Brennan Park Master Plan
  • Brennan Park Recreation Centre upgrades and expansion phased development plan


Funding for the Brennan Park Recreation Centre, fields and lands will need to be prioritized within the broader facility upgrade and replacement needs of all the District’s operations. Funding sources could be grants, taxation, borrowing, fees, fundraising and sponsorship. However, the first step is to determine what the community wants and needs at Brennan Park, and how much it will cost.

Links and resources

Report to Council - July 24, 2018 Committee of the Whole

Report to Council - February 20, 2018 Committee of the Whole

Brennan Park Recreation Centre Feasibility Study

Parks and Recreation Master Plan (2012) 

Council’s Strategic Plan

Official Community Plan - 2040 Draft Plan

Floodplain Management Bylaw

Real Estate and Facilities Strategy Executive Summary 


Thank you!

The District would like to thank everyone for their input so far as we work towards a common vision and shared values for our future Brennan Park.

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