In February 2024, Council endorsed the Squamish Housing Action Plan (SHAP) to develop and implement systematic changes for better housing delivery in Squamish.
The SHAP consists of 32 actions to be completed over the next three years. These changes are directed to change the housing regulatory framework in response to the Housing Needs Report, to comply with recently adopted Provincial legislation, and to implement actions which were identified as part of the successful application to the Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) Housing Accelerator Fund (HAF).
Initiatives for the SHAP can be grouped under five categories:
Updating Residential Zoning | |
Supporting Attainable Housing | |
Streamlining Permitting | |
Planning for Complete Communities | |
Funding Amenities and Infrastructure |
Most actions included in the District’s SHAP will still be subject to Council consideration, and adoption or approval. This includes all Zoning and OCP Bylaw updates that have been mandated under Provincial Legislation (primarily Bill 44), as well as new DCC and ACC revenue options made available under the new Provincial Legislation.
View upcoming actions on the Squamish Housing Action Plan |
August 2024: Work to update the District’s Zoning Bylaw is underway following identified challenges related to flood hazard in the new R-1 zone.
Staff will be reviewing the recent zoning changes including the number of allowed dwelling units, lot coverage, and setbacks to ensure the R-1 zone aligns with the District's Integrated Flood Hazard Management Policy, Official Community Plan hazard policies, and Floodplain Management Bylaw.
Updates will also include a review of density allowance through hazard areas of Brackendale.
The R-1 zone was introduced on June 18 under the guidance of the provincial government (Bill 44). The proposed amendments are expected to be released for public review by the end of September. This review is still in its preliminary stages and no further information is available at this time - updates to come (to be posted across all District channels).
Have questions on the forthcoming R-1 zoning changes? Email [email protected]
The District of Squamish is updating its Zoning Bylaw to align with new provincial legislation (BILL 44) and its commitments to the Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC).
Bill 44 requires that municipalities end exclusionary zoning. This means that every residentially zoned lot is required to permit up to four residential units. Municipalities are to ensure their new bylaws are drafted with a focus on flexibility to encourage a range of missing middle housing types.
The District has introduced a new zone R-1 to replace the traditional single unit dwelling residential zones (RS-1, RS-2, and RS-3 zones) in most areas of the District. Council adopted the updates on June 18, 2024.
Recommendations for the R-1 zone are based on the Province’s policy guidance.
In 2019, the District adopted the Affordable Housing Strategy and Action Plan (AHSAP) which outlines a range of strategies and actions aimed at boosting housing supply and access to affordable housing options. One of the strategies of the AHSAP is to increase affordable housing unit supply by undertaking related policy and actions.
The SHAP is strongly aligned with the AHSAP with strategies to increase the diversity of housing forms and tenure types year over year to promote affordable and attainable housing for people living
in Squamish.
The SHAP proposes to streamline the development review process for missing middle and affordable housing as well as establish staff capacity to expedites important housing projects.
Recent Updates
On July 2, the Advisory Design Panel Bylaw No. 2264, 2013 was adopted by Council. ADP review is no longer required for multi-family development applications with 20 units or less. Staff have discretion to refer an application for ADP review for applications containing 6 to 20 units.
The District is currently reviewing the DPA3 guidelines in the Official Community Plan to streamline the development permit process for better housing delivery as part of the SHAP. An open house was held on June 5, 2024 for the building community to offer comments and feedback on the draft DPA3 changes.
The District of Squamish launched an Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) Design Competition in March 2024 to encourage housing diversity and affordability in Squamish. The competition invites B.C. residents aged 19+ to submit an ADU design that Squamish property owners could choose to build on their property without the need for a rezoning or development permit, saving property owners time, money and effort. The winning designs – e.g. for carriage homes, laneway cottages, or other - will be available for public purchase from the designers as a pre-reviewed ADU plan for use on private properties in Squamish neighbourhoods. >>Read More
View the ADU Design Competition Project Page
Complete Communities are communities, or areas within a community, which provide a diversity of housing to meet identified community needs and accommodate people at all stages of life, and provide a wider range of employment opportunities, amenities, and services within a 15-20 minute walk.
The SHAP supports the District in undertaking the necessary assessments it needs to make informed land use decision-making while considering housing need, supply, and location; providing transportation options including increased walkability; and making connections to infrastructure investment and servicing.
The District will continue to pursue funding opportunities that will help expedite housing delivery. Grant funding could support and expedite a number of important housing initiatives that the District was already planning on implementing, new systemic changes to facilitate and accelerate missing middle housing, as well as accelerate housing initiatives undertaken by the Squamish Community Housing Society (SCHS).
Updating Residential Zoning | |
Update Single Family Zoning to permit four units on all RS-1 and RS-2 lots. Amend height, setbacks, lot coverage and density to align with Provincial direction. | |
Update Zoning Bylaw to allow Affordable Housing in all zones | |
Supporting Attainable Housing | |
Prezone selected sites identified for affordable housing (with SCHS) | |
Remove Public Hearing requirements for Affordable Housing developments | |
Waive DCCs and Development Fees for Affordable Housing | |
Waive public hearing requirements for missing-middle housing developments | |
Update CAC policy to exempt density bonus units | |
Streamlining Permitting | |
Remove the Advisory Design Panel review requirement for Development Permits for multiplexes. |
Develop detailed plans for Accessory Dwelling Units through a design competition. | |
Waive public hearing requirements for missing-middle housing developments | |
Funding Amenities and Infrastructure | |
Develop and submit BC Housing Community Housing Fund (CHF) Funding Application |
September 5, 2024 at 6:22 PM
District launches new design competition for multiplex homes
Winning designs will offer plans for homeowners who wish to build triplex or fourplex homes
The District of Squamish has launched a…
August 29, 2024 at 3:33 PM
Holiday Hours - Monday, September 2
Please note the following operating hours for Labour Day - Monday, September 3.