The following fees are due to the District of Squamish before you are issued a licence, permit, inspection, or another service provided by the District. Refer to the Fees & Charges Bylaw for municipal fees and charges.
Non-municipal Costs: You are responsible for all non-municipal costs including survey fees, professional services (e.g. building, planning), legal fees, engineering fees, public development notification signage, and other costs associated with your business, development or project.
In addition to fees and charges required under municipal bylaws, you are also required to pay a permit fee prior to issuance of a Land Development Permit. There are fees and charges associated with each type of Land Development application. Refer to the Development Procedures & Fees Bylaw for fees (including deposits) associated with the following applications:
You may also be required to pay Development Cost Charges for your property. Refer to the Development Cost Charges Bylaw for details.
All fees are non-refundable except if Council does not allow first and second readings for amendments to a Zoning or Official Community Plan (OCP) Bylaws. In this situation, the Advertising Fee and 25% of the Application Fee are refunded to the Applicant.
In addition to fees and charges required under municipal bylaws, you are also required to pay a permit fee prior to issuance of a Building Permit. Refer to the Fees & Charges Bylaw for fees (including plumbing fees and bonds) associated with building permits and inspections.
You may also be required to pay Development Cost Charges for your development. Refer to the Development Cost Charges Bylaw for details.
We accept cheque, cash, or Interac. Applications submitted through eApply, can be paid by credit card.
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August 29, 2024
Blackberry Pickers Alert
The Sea to Sky Invasive Species Council has been undertaking a control program for Japanese Knotweed, in partnership with various…
August 28, 2024
Campfire Ban lifted within District of Squamish as of August 28 at noon
Effective Wednesday, August 28 at noon, the campfire prohibition in all regions of the Coastal Fire Centre will be lifted.
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