Land Development Procedures Bylaw Update

The District of Squamish is updating the Land Development Procedures Bylaw 2632, 2018 in order to align with provincial legislation. The legislation was updated in 2021 and aims to increase the housing supply in British Columbia by streamlining the development approval processes.

What changes are being made:

The default requirement to hold a public hearing is removed

Under the new legislation, local governments are now only required to publish a public notice before the first reading rather than taking the extra step of waiving the requirement. Where a public hearing is not required, hearings could be replaced with other public engagement tools that don’t require Council agenda time and could be administered by staff, with community feedback provided to Council prior to them making a decision.

Minor development variance permits can now be delegated

Under the new regulations, Council can now delegate decision-making for minor development variance permits to staff. Minor variances that may be delegated include:

  • Siting;
  • Size and dimensions of buildings;
  • Structures and permitted uses;
  • Off-street parking and loading space requirements;
  • Regulation of signs;
  • Screening and landscaping; 
  • Separate uses; or
  • Preserve, protect, restore, and enhance the natural environment.

Where a variance is issued under delegation, no notice is required to be given.


Staff presented a report to the Committee of the Whole on March 14, 2023 seeking direction and approval from Council to prepare the abovementioned amendments to the Land Development Procedures Bylaw. Council passed a resolution at the Regular Meeting of the Council on March 21, 2023, directing Staff to prepare Land Development Procedures Bylaw amendments to implement the recommended changes. 

The proposed bylaw was presented to Council for its first reading on June 6, 2023

Next steps

The updated Land Development Procedures Bylaw will return to Council in September for its second and third reading. 


View the proposed bylaw here

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  • Rae Simpson Jun 27, 2024, 5:42 AM (30 days ago)

    This initiative is now over a year old and appears to be necessary to comply with provincial legislation.
    Has there been any progress or is it still awaiting first reading?

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