Over the next few weeks, crews will be installing a sewer bypass line that will be used to move live sewer flows so that the existing sewer line can be upgraded.
Expected impacts for December 2 to 9:
Impacts will change as work progresses but may involve - please plan ahead, provide yourself with extra travel time, and obey the traffic control signs.
Expected impacts for the week of November 21: The southbound off-ramp from Highway 99 to Mamquam Road West will be closed until mid-December.
November 14-22 impacts:
Impacts will change as work progresses but may involve:
Highway 99 northbound onramp from Mamquam east will be closed until mid-December.
Glenalder Place closed at Mamquam Road November 15 to 22.
Single lane closures on Mamquam Road
Please plan ahead, provide yourself with extra travel time, and obey the traffic control signs.
November 3, 2022 Update: Installation of the sewer bypass line continues. Please expect the following traffic Impacts:
1. Westbound Mamquam lane reductions.
2. Access to Canadian Tire from Mamquam Road closed.
3. Diamond Head Road access to/from Mamquam Road impacts.
Please plan ahead, provide yourself with extra travel time, and obey the traffic control signs.
October 24, 2022 Update: Over the next few weeks, crews will be installing a sewer bypass line that will be used to move live sewer flows so that the existing sewer line can be upgraded.
Traffic Impacts: Monday, October 31 to Wednesday, November 2 (7 a.m. to 7 p.m.)
To avoid delays, please leave yourself extra time or plan your route to avoid the work area. Detour via Garibaldi Way.
Traffic Impacts will change as work progresses but may involve:
Please plan ahead, provide yourself with extra travel time, and obey the traffic control signs.
Monitor this page and District social media channels for updates.
March 2022 Update:
The District of Squamish is continuing with its capital project upgrades along Mamquam Road.
Work will take place in phases over the next number of months:
January 2022 Update:
The project team is reviewing options for the construction of a new sewer line for the Highway 99 section of the Mamquam Road sewer upgrade project. It is anticipated that a new plan and design will be developed by spring 2022, along with anticipated timelines for the construction.
The project was delayed following two unsuccessful drilling attempts during which the drilling machine encountered obstructions deep underneath the middle of Highway 99, likely large trees or boulders, the removal of which would have required a large and lengthy excavation which was not an option at the time. The project team is considering alternative piping methodologies in order to mitigate the risk of hitting logs/boulders and completing this section of the sewer replacement
December 1, 2021 Update: project delayed to 2022
Work on the Highway 99 section of the Mamquam Road sewer upgrade project will be delayed until 2022 due to a combination of inclement weather and length of time required in order to plan and execute a project of this scale. Unsuccessful drilling attempts under Highway 99 forced the unexpected delay which now requires open-trench excavation across the highway. Mamquam Road between Government Road and Highway 99 has reopened and will close again when the project resumes in 2022.
The District of Squamish is implementing capital project upgrades along Mamquam Road. These upgrades include a new sewer line, new sidewalk and bike paths, and road repaving, each of which are intended to make significant improvements to the area.
The sewer project will be followed by the construction of the new sidewalk and bike path, and lastly with the road paving.
Timeframe: 2022
Project Area:
Project Area: Willow Crescent (west) to Glenalder Place on the east side of Highway 99.
Project Scope: The Mamquam Sewer Project involves replacing and upsizing the sewer line from Willow Crescent (West) to Glenalder Place. Work on this project is delayed due to a combination of ground conditions and length of time required to plan and execute a project of this scale. The project is now substantially complete from Willow Crescent (West) to Highway 99, however unsuccessful drilling attempts forced unexpected delays and the project now requires a new crossing design for Highway 99.
The project team is developing an alternative crossing design and plans to complete construction in 2022 (construction dates dependent on design). The work will focus around Highway 99 with some road impacts anticipated. Further information will be provided when the project design is complete, and the full impacts are understood.
Project Impacts:
Parking Impacts:
Parking will be impacted in the construction area. All measures will be taken to maximize parking availability. Parking will be opened as the project zone progresses to the east.
Traffic Impacts:
The Active Transportation Project includes a new sidewalk, tree-lined boulevard, and bike path on a large portion of the north side of Mamquam Road between Government Road and Highway 99, and an on-street bike path and shoulder widening on the south side. This project was delayed due to the adjusted timeline of the sewer project. Work will resume in the spring 2022 and is anticipated to be complete by the summer.
Scope of work:
Active transportation upgrades include:
Public Engagement:
A letter was delivered to 500+ area residents with a link to an online survey to gather resident feedback on the concept design.
Changes to the original design:
Street Parking:
Project Timeline:
Work is expected to be complete in 2022.
Project Impacts:
The road repaving project includes paving the majority of Mamquam Road from Government Road to Highway 99. A portion of this work was completed this year with the remainder being completed in summer 2022 when weather conditions will not be a factor.
February 6, 2025 at 9:05 PM
Depot Road Active Transportation
The District will install a new protected multi-use pathway on the north side of Highway 99 to Government Road.
February 2, 2025 at 8:09 PM
Snowfall warning issued for Howe Sound
Environment Canada has issued a snowfall warning for Howe Sound Sunday afternoon through Monday morning.
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