The request period for 2025 garbage tote size exchanges is now closed.
The request period for 2026 garbage tote size exchange is now open. The deadline is October 31, and the exchanges will occur in Spring 2026.
Change to recycling and organics totes will take place in 2025. The deadline for organics and recycling change requests is January 31, 2025.
Solid Waste Utility fees vary based on which garbage tote size you have. There is no additional cost for recycling and organics collection – these costs are included in the Solid Waste Utility fee regardless of which size garbage tote you choose.
Garbage Tote Size |
2025 Annual Fees |
Small (35 gallons) | $ 231 |
Medium (65 gallons) | $ 426 |
Large** | $ 642 |
** No new large garbage totes will be distributed. If you select large, you will receive one small tote and one medium tote. If you have questions please contact the Sustainability Department.
*Note: The form must be completed once for each dwelling unit that receives service. If there are two suites in a house, the property owner must submit the form twice.
Personal information collected through this form is only collected for the purpose of garbage tote size exchange. The collection, use and disclosure of personal information is subject to the provisions of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Personal information collected through this form will only be used for the purpose of garbage tote size exchange. The information collected will be retained and disposed according to the District of Squamish Records Management Bylaw No. 2622, 2019 and the District of Squamish Records Classification and Retention Schedule. If you have any questions, please contact the Manager of Legislative Services at 604-815-5023.
It is not possible for individual residences to opt out of any portion of the solid waste services. The solid waste fees reflect the costs of providing all the solid waste services provided by the District including collection and processing of materials, staff time, and communications; there is no opportunity to break down the fees into their component parts. Whole townhouse complexes do have the option of receiving service directly from a commercial provider – contact the District if you would like to receive more information about this option.
Tote fees (or Solid Waste Utility fees) cover all of the costs related to the bi-weekly curbside pickup of recycling, garbage and organics. The fees for the garbage tote sizes reflect the impact that more garbage has on our, almost-full, landfill.
Residents will see a change in their annual Solid Waste Utility fee if they choose to change the size of their garbage tote.
Fees have been increased due to the investment required to provide a solution to the lack of space in the Squamish landfill.
Residents who produce more garbage, and require a larger tote, will pay higher Solid Waste Utility fees.
The District of Squamish has developed a Zero Waste Strategy. A key element of that is to incentivize and provide options for residents to reduce, reuse, recycle and compost more in order to reduce the amount of garbage created per person.
Homeowners with secondary suites can choose to cancel their garbage service - only for the secondary suite. The District expects that tenants in secondary suites will then use the main (single family home) garbage/recycling/organics totes for their secondary suite.
Garbage tote exchanges are anticipated to take place in the Spring.
Solid waste utility bills are determined by the amount of garbage you produce.
If you increase the size of your garbage tote, you will have a higher solid waste utility bill.
If you decrease the size of your garbage tote, your solid waste utility bill will decrease.
February 6, 2025 at 9:05 PM
Depot Road Active Transportation
The District will install a new protected multi-use pathway on the north side of Highway 99 to Government Road.
February 2, 2025 at 8:09 PM
Snowfall warning issued for Howe Sound
Environment Canada has issued a snowfall warning for Howe Sound Sunday afternoon through Monday morning.