Powerhouse Springs Well Protection Plan

Well Protection Plan has been developed for the seven municipal water supply wells operating at the Powerhouse Springs well field. This is done in general accordance with steps laid out in the Province’s “Well Protection Toolkit,” which are as follows:
  1. Define the Well Protection Area
  2. Identify Potential Contaminants
  3. Develop Management Strategies and Contingency Plans
  4. Implement, Monitor, and Evaluate the Plan
This plan will assist the District in making land management decisions that are cognizant of the value and vulnerability of their water resource, and that it will be reviewed and modified on a regular basis as land use and community needs change over time.

As part of the Well Protection Plan, a hydrogeological assessment was completed by Piteau Associates Engineering Ltd. who concluded that all groundwater samples from Squamish met health-based standards set out in the Guidelines for Canadian Drinking Water Quality (GCDWQ, Health Canada, 2012). Trace metals are at concentrations well below Maximum Acceptable Concentrations (MACs). Turbidity is also much less than GCDWQ objectives. View the Well Protection Plan and Hydrogeological Assessment.

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