Budget 2020

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The District of Squamish #Budget2020 discussions to confirm the District of Squamish financial plan for 2020 through 2024 are complete.

On May 5, 2020, the District of Squamish adopted a bylaw to amend the 5-year financial plan in light of COVID-19.

The amended financial plan reflects a decrease in property tax revenue required of 2.8% ($838,800) over what had previously been planned for 2020.

  • Under the original 2020 financial plan (adopted in February) the District was anticipating a 1.96% increase in property tax revenue required in 2020 over 2019 once non-market change of 3.6% (growth in the overall tax base) was factored in.
  • The 2020 financial plan now results in an overall decrease in property tax revenue required of 0.8% from 2019 levels, once non-market change (growth in the overall tax base) is factored in.
  • The per household and business impact will vary depending on property assessments (which are provided by BC Assessment) and the final tax rates.  

View the May 5, 2020 Council presentation to review the changes and the tax rates and ratios. 


Explore the 2020 budget

Check out our interactive tool that allows you to explore total expenditures in each of the District's budget areas.






View the public feedback

Presented at the January 28th Committee of the Whole: Budget Comments

View results from the pre-budget survey further down this page. 


Public Information Meeting:

When: January 16 - 4:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. 

Where: The Ledge Community Coffee House, 38055 Cleveland Avenue.

Thank you to all those who joined Council and senior staff on January 16 at the Ledge Community Coffee House (38055 Cleveland Avenue)  to learn about the 2020 Budget, including the five year Financial Plan and other important projects underway at the District of Squamish. 

December 17: General Fund Workshop Continues

 Agenda: Special Business Meeting begins at 1 p.m. 

Materials presented at workshop:

December 10: General Fund Workshop Continues


Agenda: Special Business Meeting, begins at 9 a.m. 

Materials presented at workshop: 

December 3: General Fund Workshop

Agenda: Special Business Meeting

Pre-budget survey results

The District invited residents to complete a 7-question survey to understand where priorities lie, and how citizens might balance trade-offs between competing budget priorities. The survey was available between September 25 and October 15, 2019.

The results of the survey are available here: 

Budget comments are always welcome at budgetfeedback@squamish.ca, or on the page below. 

November 12, 2019 - Discussion Materials

What comprises the municipal budget?

The General Operating Fund is funded by taxation, and covers the operational expenses of the District, such as protective services, transportation, recreation and community development among others.

The Capital Plan defines where the District will invest for the long term on infrastructure, equipment and facilities.

The three Utilities (Water, Sewer and Solid Waste) are funded by utility fees (separate from property taxes), and address operational and capital expenses for each area.


 capital and operating budgets diagram


Useful Links:

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  • Rebecca McCleery Dec 10, 2019, 9:30 PM (5 years ago)

    This comment is in response to the absence of the Mamquam Blind Channel Dredging Maintenance and Funding Strategy in the 2020 budget.

    As recreational and commercial sailors, our vessel transits the blind channel 250 times each summer, and our business is materially impacted by the hazards presented by the absence of maintaining a navigational channel.

    We have witnessed numerous groundings by both local and visiting vessels, and have heard from recreational boaters who avoid visiting Squamish due to the navigational challenges. We plan our departures based on the tide levels, and accept that there are days when we simply cannot operate due to being unable to safely enter or exit the Blind Channel.

    With the increase in recreational, commercial and industrial marine traffic, there is frequent conflict between vessels entering/exiting the Squamish harbour and working boats, such as tug boats holding a barge in place at the log sort or boat ramp, log booms being staged for transport, etc. All vessels require access to the remaining navigation channel, and with only a narrow section of channel suitable for transit at lower tides, this compromises the safety of all vessels.

    In summary, marine safety, commercial activity and economic development are affected by the navigational constraints of the channel. Please refer to the letter presented to the DOS on July 10, 2018 from the Chamber of Commerce and address the immediate need for planning to get underway.


    Rebecca McCleery
    Co-Owner/Operator, Canadian Coastal Sailing

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