Projects & Initiatives

Multiple projects are underway at the District of Squamish at any time of the year. Browse through these project pages to learn more about current initiatives. 

To view projects that are currently seeking public input, please visit us at Let'  

View completed projects from previous years.

 Current Projects and Initiatives

capital projects thumb2

Infrastructure Improvements

Brennan Park Fields & Lands Master Plan

Brennan Park Recreation Centre Upgrades & Expansion

viewscapes icon

Downtown Viewscapes Study

Development Cost Charges Update and Introduction of Amenity Cost Charges 2025

off leash dog thumb 01

Off-Leash Dogs - Pilot Project

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Eagle Viewing Area / Siyich'em Reserve Dike Master Plan

Garibaldi Estates Neighbourhood Planning Process

RTC Garibaldi Springs Draft Park Design 01

Garibaldi Springs Park

Heritage Management Strategy

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Jimmy Jimmy (Judd) Slough - Culvert Replacement

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Jimmy Jimmy (Judd) Slough – Dike Upgrade

Landfill expansion - thumbnail

Landfill Lateral Expansion

Mamquam Blind Channel (MBC) Long-Term Maintenance and Dredging Strategy

Mamquam Ring Road Repairs and Upgrade

Mamquam Road Upgrades

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Mount Garibaldi Cemetery Expansion 


North Crumpit Neighbourhood Planning Process

project thumbnail image

Oceanfront Peninsula Main Road – R-20

Parking Downtown

Icon of person walking on a bridge.

Pedestrian Bridge - Mamquam Blind Channel


Real Estate and Facilities Master Planning

Sanitary Lift Station Rehabilitation Program
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Second Downtown Entrance


Seniors Recreation Programming Engagement

Short Term Rentals

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Solid Waste Utility Bylaw Update


Squamish Adventure Centre Revitalization

Sustainable Stormwater Delivery Plan

itroadmapthumb Technology Transformation Program
Transportation master plan icon Transportation Master Plan
Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion and Improvements
water metering thumb Water Metering
waterfront landing park thumb Waterfront Landing Park
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Wayfinding Project

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X̱wún̓eḵw Park Sea Dike


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