Wildlife Alert - Threatening Cougar Behaviour in Alice Lake Provincial Park: Credit Line Trail

Credit LineThe District of Squamish, Conservation Officer Service (COS) and WildSafeBC wish to alert the public to a threatening encounter with a cougar on the Credit Line Trail in Alice Lake Provincial Park.

If using these trails, avoid going alone and consider carrying bear spray. Always be aware of your surroundings and do not recreate in wildlife country with your hearing impeded by earbuds/music devices. Always keep dogs leashed.

On October 11, 2017 at 11:30 a.m., a woman was running on Credit Line. She came within five metres of a cougar that was crouched and facing her. She threw rocks at the cougar but it advanced towards her in a threatening manner. She was able to back out of the area and report the incident to the Conservation Officer Service.

There have also been recent reports to the COS of cats (both domestic and feral) that have been preyed upon by a cougar on Axen Road in Brackendale. Officials believe this may be the same cougar as the one sighted in the Garibaldi Highlands; cougars can cover a lot of ground and it is unusual for cougars to be reported in so many daytime sightings.

The Conservation Officer Service is actively monitoring this situation and requests that all further sightings of cougars be reported immediately to the RAPP line at 1-877-952-7277. A live trap is being set in Brackendale due to these latest reports.

For more information on cougar safety and how to reduce conflicts visit: wildsafebc.com/cougar

October 11, 2017

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