District of Squamish Statement on Quest University Canada

The District of Squamish is saddened and disappointed to learn that Quest University Canada will suspend academic programming at the end of this academic year. The uniqueness and presence of the University have been cherished by the District, and its close ties with the community have been important contributors to the Squamish of today. The District is hopeful that funding options will present themselves for renewed future operations.

The District has been aware of the challenges that Quest has faced and has appreciated the ongoing efforts of the Board of Governors to keep the municipality apprised. The District will be reflecting on what possible steps the municipality may be able to take in the wake of this announcement.

“On behalf of my Council colleagues and staff, we extend our best wishes to the Quest community and know how difficult this must be for the administration, students and faculty,” says Mayor Armand Hurford. “We have held the belief that Quest is an incredibly unique and special organization for more than 20 years, and it is difficult and disappointing to learn of this next step in the journey. We remain hopeful, and at the same time, will be discussing the District’s interests in this next chapter.”



The District of Squamish and Quest (whose name has changed from its initial years) have a 20-year history of cooperation and shared vision, and the early actions of the District helped to bring the university into existence. The District’s early support through a Memorandum of Understanding signed in June 2000 and subsequent agreements after that, included an expedited change to the Official Community Plan and Zoning Bylaw, the waiving of Development Cost Charges on private development until 2015, waived property taxes for the University, and an investment of over $5 million in infrastructure to bring municipal services to the University. The District’s early investments were made, and ongoing support provided, because of its shared vision that a reputable and ground-breaking university on those lands would bring social and economic benefits to the community.

February 24, 2023

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  • Dave Colwell Feb 25, 2023, 7:44 AM (17 months ago)

    Yes this is very sad news. Whatever happens, I and so many others sincerely hope that this site will continue to serve some sort of Educational need to our community...either private or publically funded. I have spent my working life in Education and contunue to be interested in its furtherance. It is to be hoped that the site is never subjected to mindless financial exploitation of any kind. It is a unique area and "A Jewel in (our D.O.S) Crown".

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