Does a shipping container need a permit?

Have you considered a temporary or permanent shipping container? The District of Squamish Building Department has looked at shipping containers a number of ways and have come to consensus. Here's what you need to know about shipping containers in Squamish:

  • If a shipping container is not being used for the transporting of goods and it is used to support an occupancy (ie: storage of people, animals or things) then it will be considered a building. A building permit is required to place a shipping container that will be used as a building. The District of Squamish Zoning bylaw must be followed and the container may need alterations so that it can meet BC Building Code minimum requirements.
  • If a shipping container building is to be placed temporarily (i.e: storage or site office during construction or other uses under a temporary use permit) or it is less than 10 square meters in area, the B.C. Building Code may not be applicable and a permit and alterations may not be required. (see B.C. Building Code 2012 ed. Part 1.1) To be considered temporary the estimated departure time of the building must be documented.

Shipping containers are widely used for storage and other uses. They have historically been placed with or without permits in various places within the community. Only recently, with increased rate of development has the District of Squamish found it a priority to begin regulating their installation. Existing containers placed without a permit are being identified and managed on a complaint basis. If you have questions about shipping containers to be used as a building please contact the building department at 604.815.6872 or by email.

April 6, 2017

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  • Gord Gordon Jun 25, 2022, 4:36 AM (2 years ago)

    Has anyone done a study on the emf blocking potential of Seacan buildings?
    For individuals sensitive to radiation this may be medically advantageous.

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