Reduced invasive plant tipping fees introduced for Invasive-free Certified businesses

On February 6, Council adopted an amendment to the District of Squamish Fees and Charges Bylaw No. 2012, 2017 Amendment Bylaw No. 2562, 2017 to offer a reduced tipping fee disposal rate for invasive plants disposal at the Squamish Landfill to companies that have participated in the Sea to Sky Invasive Species Council (SSISC) Invasive-Free Certification Program.

As of July 2017, a Yard Waste Tipping Fee of $65/tonne is charged on all invasive plants material brought to the Landfill for disposal.

Under the new Bylaw, any company that has participated in the annual SSISC Invasive-free Certification Training will receive a discounted Landfill tipping fee disposal rate of $30/tonne for invasive species disposal.

By offering a reduced tipping fee rate to those companies who have SSISC certification, the District is incentivizing the separation of invasive plants from the organics/yard waste stream and ensuring the proper handling of invasive plants.

The two-hour training program includes species recognition and procurement practices, site and species-appropriate control methods, and disposal practices. The cost of the certification program is $35 per individual, and companies become certified when at least 50% of their staff have attended a workshop.

For more information on invasive species and a list of upcoming Invasive-free certification training sessions visit the Sea to Sky Invasive Species Council website.

February 7, 2018

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