Reminder for site upkeep this season

Seasonal construction work can pose unique challenges in Squamish. Here are some tips and reminders for construction in Squamish during the colder months: 

  • Be sure to secure your fencing and stow loose materials during windy weather. This time of year sees heavier sustained winds, so it is important that you secure your construction fencing to withstand heavy winds and loose materials to ensure they don’t blow away. 
  • Ensure your paving is adjusted accordingly. In low temperatures and wet weather, it’s very important to ensure your erosion and sediment control measures are in place and functioning well. The Engineer of Record or their designate must inspect and confirm adequate temperatures and compaction are met at the time of paving. Any paving completed on behalf of the District (roads, lanes, curbs, sidewalks) must meet the MMCD standards for air temperatures and ground conditions.
  • Ensure your erosion and sediment control measures are in place and functioning well during rainy weather. It is the developer’s responsibility to install and maintain catch basin socks in catch basins located downstream from your project. These should be inspected weekly and after any storm event. During the rainy season, these may require cleaning more than once a week. For assistance with erosion and sediment control reach out to an environmental consultant (there are several in town), commonly referred to as a Qualified Environmental Professional.

Worksites in Squamish are regulated by the District’s Noise bylaw, Traffic Management Bylaw, as well as WorkSafeBC and the BC Building Code.

Please contact our Building Department at 604.815.6872 or Engineering at 604.815.5012. for comments or queries. 

January 12, 2024

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