Squamish Transit

Umo is live in Squamish!

BC Transit’s Umo (pronounced “you-mo”) electronic fare system is now live in Squamish.

Information about Umo is available on the BC Transit website

Download the Umo app on your phone OR pick up a smartcard to begin using Umo. 

For the most up to date information on routes, schedules, fares and more, check out the BC Transit Squamish page. Or view the Squamish Transit Rider's Guide. Conventional bus service currently operates seven days a week including holidays. 

Bus fare can be paid using the Umo app, Umo smartcard, in cash on the bus, or tickets and passes can be purchased in advance. 

Umo smartcards, tickets and passes are available at:

  • Municipal Hall, 37955 Second Avenue
  • Brennan Park Recreation Centre, 1009 Centennial Way
  • The 55 Activity Centre (smartcards and handyDart tickets only), 1201 Village Green Way 

For tools to help K-5 students learn to ride the bus, Kids Ride the Bus has tools and resources. 

The Squamish Transit System is run in partnership with BC Transit and service is provided by our local operators PWTransit.


The Squamish Transit System also offers handyDART transit, a shared door-to-door service for registered riders with permanent or temporary disabilities that prevent them from using fixed-route transit without assistance from another person. HandyDART hours of operation, a booking number and application forms are available online. Register to become a new handyDART user.

The handyDART service is offered Monday to Friday.

Transit Planning

BC Transit and the District of Squamish are continually working to improve our transit system. This includes increasing frequency, modifying or adding routes, and improving bus stops. Improvements are guided by transit planning processes. 

The most recent plan is the 2022 Transit Future Action Plan. The Plan builds off the previous Sea to Sky Transit Future Plan (2015). It identifies short and medium-term service and infrastructure priorities for the Squamish local transit system and was supported by Squamish Council in June 2022. 

Please note that some expansions proposed in the 2022 Transit Future Action Plan have been delayed due to the availability of the Provincial funding contribution. 

Loading a Bike on the Bus

To help make getting around without a car easier, all BC Transit buses are fitted with a bike rack that can carry up to 2 bikes at a time. See the image below on how to load and unload your bike. Before getting off the bus, be sure to inform the driver you will be unloading your bike. 


Each bus allows for two full-sized bikes. Let the driver know you wish to load your bike then follow these steps:

  1. Lower the bike rack by pulling the yellow handle up, then out, and down.  Now the bike rack is in place and you can load your bike.
  2. Load you bike with the front of the bike toward the yellow arm. Load the rack closest to the bus first.
  3. Pull yellow arm out an up over front tire to secure bike. 

To remove, perform all actions in reverse and lift rack to upright position. Click in place, move away and signal to the driver.

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