A transit message from the District of Squamish Mayor Karen Elliott

As we head into week 7 of the transit strike, I know you will share in my disappointment at the lack of progress towards a solution. Transit is a vital lifeline in our community for so many of our residents, and I know this period has presented new challenges at a time when we didn’t think we could absorb any more. The District of Squamish has been absolutely clear that this current situation is hurting citizens and local businesses, and I am frustrated that the parties are not currently talking to one another. Mayor Crompton from Whistler and I have been speaking to media on this situation to keep the pressure on the negotiating parties. And while we are not the employer and so not directly involved in the bargaining process, the regional Mayors are in close contact and we continue to connect with BC Transit, the relevant provincial Ministries and MLA Jordan Sturdy.

To the parties - Unifor Canada and PWTransitplease stay at the bargaining table until you get a deal to end this strike for everyone involved. A negotiated agreement is good for the contractor, the union and our citizens. The longer this strike goes on, the harder it will be for us to grow ridership and continue to grow our transit system to where we want it to be. Everybody loses in the current situation.

In the meantime, I am appreciative of all those who are supporting one another to get around – especially supporting those who are most vulnerable and who have no other means to travel other than on transit.

~ Mayor Karen Elliott.

March 11, 2022

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