Grade four student Brooklyn Willmot wins Mayor for a Day contest

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Stawamus Elementary School grade four student, Brooklyn Willmot, is Squamish’s Mayor for a Day today. The contest, part of Local Government Awareness Week, was open to all elementary students in Squamish. With close to 80 entries, Brooklyn won a tough competition with her letter explaining why she wanted to be Mayor, and what she would do if in that role. 

Brooklyn’s letter states that she “would like to have some experience (as Mayor) so when I’m older I might want to run for Mayor.” After the time spent with Brooklyn and Aiden this morning, we hope she does! Brooklyn would like to see a zoo in Squamish that focuses on animal rights, as well as outdoor water slides, and a place for the homeless that serves food and supplies them with bedding.  She loves living in Squamish because of the beautiful nature around, and the friendly people who all work together as a community.

“All the letters demonstrated that the students took obvious interest in taking care of our community, which was very encouraging to read,” says Acting Mayor Patricia Heintzman. “To know the next generation of Mayors, Councillors, entrepreneurs, business people and productive community members are in our midst is a pleasure to see.”

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As Mayor for the Day, Brooklyn chose her younger brother Aidan to accompany her on her duties. Squamish Fire Rescue arrived at Stawamus Elementary School in a fire truck this morning to pick them up and take them on a tour of District facilities. They visited the Fire Hall, Dog Pound and Municipal Hall, getting a chance to sit in the Mayor’s chair and being interviewed by the Squamish Chief Newspaper along with Acting Mayor Patricia Heintzman. Brooklyn then headed back to school and brought a pizza lunch for her whole class.

Special thanks go out to all the students who submitted entries, with special recognition to the Mayor for a Day runner up: James Howarth, a grade one student at Squamish Montessori School.  In addition to Brooklyn’s and James’ letters, other shortlisted letters included: Annie Derrick (grade two at Mamquam Elementary School), Hannah Jajic (grade four at Stawamus Elementary School), and Auraura Hughes-Goyette (grade six at Squamish Elementary School).

The Mayor for a Day contest is underway as the District joins the Union of British Columbia Municipalities (UBCM) and other municipalities across British Columbia in celebrating Local Government Awareness Week from May 18 to 24, 2014, in conjunction with National Public Works Week. The goal of the week is to build awareness about the vital role local government plays in the community. The District’s web site is the primary portal for providing information to the community. District services ranging from garbage and waste management to how to apply for a building permit are outlined in detail online, as well as multiple ways to get in touch with District staff or Council, and how to provide feedback or request service. The District of Squamish can be found online at, on Facebook at and Twitter at

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May 22, 2014

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