Cooling centre open at Brennan Park Recreation Centre during high temperatures

The District of Squamish is following the Vancouver Coastal Health recommendation of providing a cooling centre to support Squamish residents during the heat warning issued by Environment Canada this week.

The cooling centre will be located at the following facility: 

Brennan Park Recreation Centre (Black Tusk Room)*

*Please access Brennan Park Recreation Centre via the Pool entrance doors located on the south side of the building.

In addition, the Squamish Public Library will be open as an additional public cooling space in Downtown Squamish: 

The District is following the BC Centre For Disease Control guidance for community cooling centres in the context of COVID-19 and will adhere to all hygiene, cleaning and ventilation protocols. 

Heat-related illness 

Hot weather can pose a serious and immediate public health risk. Please practice the following to reduce your risk of heat-related illness: 

High indoor temperatures are associated with increased risk. Stay indoors in air-conditioned buildings or take a cool bath or shower. At temperatures above 30 C, fans alone may not be able to prevent heat-related illness.

If symptoms are not mild, last longer than one hour, change, worsen or cause concern, contact a healthcare provider. To ask about heat-related illness, call HealthLinkBC at 811. 

For more information and heat-related resources, visit the Vancouver Coastal Health website at

To view the Environment Canada forecasts and weather warnings, visit


August 10, 2021

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