District of Squamish Recreation staff working to reflect new Provincial Order that requires temporary suspension of indoor group physical activities

Squamish residents encouraged to take care of mental and physical health by pursuing activities outside 

In response to a new Order from the Provincial Health Officer (PHO) to reduce the spread of COVID-19, the District of Squamish is working to adapt operations at Brennan Park Recreation Centre (BPRC). The facility will be closed Sunday, November 8 and Monday, November 9 while staff work to understand the details of the Order and what activities might be adaptable and allowable.  

The Provincial Health Officer has ordered a two-week restriction on group physical activities, among other items, to be in effect from November 7, 2020 at 10:00 pm to November 23, 2020 at 12:00 pm. 

“We are taking a very cautious approach over the next two days so that we have time to review the detailed Public Health Order once it is published and have a better sense of what can continue and what can’t between now and November 23. We know these new restrictions are disappointing to residents, and we will do our best to work within the orders to review our safety plans and adapt where possible for some activities to continue,” says District of Squamish Mayor Karen Elliott. “We are all in this together and we have to do our part to prevent the spread of COVID-19 so that schools and local businesses can stay open. While we have to pull back on being with others outside of our household for now, remember to take advantage of every opportunity to enjoy the outdoors. Trails, playing fields, outdoor sports courts such as the soccer mini pitch and tennis courts all enable us to stay active and ensure we take time to take care of both our mental and physical health.” 

District staff are awaiting guidance from the detailed Provincial Order that is expected to be available late Sunday or Monday morning. The BC Recreation and Parks Association is also providing guidance to recreational facilities in the Vancouver Coastal Health and Fraser Health regions as they also wait to interpret the new guidelines and what it means for recreation across the region.  

Over the coming days, District Recreation staff will reach out to local sports associations to discuss next steps and potential adaptation. The Provincial Health Officer has ordered that indoor group physical activities can resume once the COVID-19 safety plans are updated and have received plan approval from their local Medical Health Officer. 

Two activities at BPRC will continue as scheduled: 

Anyone registered in a suspended class will receive a credit or refund and customer service staff will reach out to them over the coming days. 

Thanks to all residents for their cooperation in supporting these important public health measures. The PHO order can be viewed here

November 8, 2020

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