District of Squamish to make significant adjustments to facilities operations

In response to new directives and recommendations from the federal and provincial governments, the District of Squamish is closing facilities and offering a number of municipal services online or by phone in order to protect citizens and employees, and support efforts to slow down the transmission of COVID-19 in the crucial weeks ahead.

British Columbia’s Ministry of Health has directed the cancellation of gatherings greater than 50 people.

“This directive makes it very challenging to keep services and facilities running and so we have made the decision today to close certain facilities and focus our employee’s efforts towards delivery of essential services, in order to protect both staff and the public and support the containment of the virus,” says Mayor Karen Elliott.

The following facilities will be closed as of 5 p.m. today, until further notice:

The following facilities will move to telephone and online service only, until further notice:

Any changes that BC Transit may choose to make to their service would be communicated to customers through their website and social media channels, and the District would share at that time.

“The message that we heard today is loud and clear – stay home if you can, which helps to keep yourself and your family safe, and helps to limit the spread of the virus. Those returning from out of country must self-isolate for 14 days because we know that many of the cases have come to B.C. from abroad,” continues Elliott.

A shift in policy around virus testing has also been announced by the health authority, and most people will not be tested for COVID-19. Anyone concerned about exposure to COVID-19 or symptoms they are experiencing should call 8.1.1. for assessment and direction.

Council will deliberate at Tuesday’s Council Meeting with regards to future meetings.

“We have a responsibility to ensure that essential business continues to be available to Squamish, and provide the ability for Council to make decisions in this unprecedented situation. We do not want to move forward any Council business, however, that would typically invite meaningful public engagement and so agendas will be reviewed with that lens,” Elliott continued.

The District of Squamish can be contacted at 604-892-5217. Online contact forms and email addresses for individual departments are available online at https://squamish.ca/contact-and-feedback/

The local business community can access helpful resources on our website.

Other important resources include:


March 16, 2020

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  • Elaine Mitchell Mar 16, 2020, 6:23 PM (4 years ago)

    Is the planned 55+ bus trip Tuesday 17 March to Deep cove still going ahead?

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