Phase 3 of the Official Community Plan invites residents to look even closer into Squamish’s future

Discussion Draft, online now, encompasses key priorities and values from community input to date

In 2040, Squamish is a vibrant, inclusive, connected coastal mountain community with a big heart, forward-thinking aspirations and a small town spirit. That vision sets the foundation for the Squamish2040 Official Community Plan (OCP) which has engaged more than 1,200 citizens to date through visioning events, OCPizza parties, online questionnaires and stakeholder interviews. Phase 3 of the update process officially launches today with a 12-page Executive Summary, a full Discussion Draft and an online survey here.

“We’re inviting all residents to take a look at the vision, goals, values and extensive list of policy statements we’ve identified to shape our future, and let us know if we’re on track towards building the Squamish we all want to see in 2040,” says District of Squamish Mayor Patricia Heintzman. “Pick up a copy of the Executive Summary, get involved and share your feedback during this third public engagement period. Your feedback will help shape the plan.”

Phase 3 introduces five community goals: Resilient, Liveable, Healthy, Connected, and Engaged. A selection of objectives and policy highlights related to key community priorities for each of the five goals are highlighted in the Executive Summary, and are presented within the complete Discussion Draft. Hard copies of the Executive Summary are available in the May 11 edition of the Squamish Chief newspaper and at Municipal Hall, Squamish Public Library, Squamish Seniors’ Centre, Squamish Youth Centre and Brennan Park Recreation Centre.

Residents are invited to read the Executive Summary and Discussion Draft, and participate in the following Phase 3 engagement opportunities:

The Official Community Plan sets the vision, objectives, goals and priorities for future growth in Squamish and includes tools and policies that will guide future planning decisions on new developments, jobs, housing and the environment. The current OCP was adopted in 2010.

For more information about the Official Community Plan, to view the OCP documents, and for an overview of the update process visit our OCP project page

May 11, 2017

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