Community is invited to help re-create the future of Brennan Park

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The much-loved and well-used Brennan Park Recreation Centre is in need of renovation and expansion, and the District of Squamish needs public input on a set of options for how this could best be achieved. The District is also initiating an exploratory discussion of the surrounding Brennan Park fields and lands, and the range of community needs and activities which could be accommodated over time. The community is invited to weigh-in and share ideas to move towards a common vision through two upcoming public events and an online questionnaire.

“The 2012 Parks and Recreation Master Plan involved extensive community input and set an overall vision for the future, and now we need to focus on Brennan Park, asking the right questions and ensuring that we have considered everything, given that our community has grown and changed so significantly in the last five years,” says Mayor Patricia Heintzman.

Three options for an expanded recreation centre have been developed based on stakeholder and community input through the Parks and Recreation Master Plan development. A thoughtful engagement process this spring will ensure that these options capture the viewpoints, needs and priorities of the community in 2018, as planning for a new facility moves forward.

A second piece of the engagement is to invite residents, including all current user groups, to share their ideas for the future of the surrounding Brennan Park fields and lands, and what they value most about the whole site as the District works towards a common vision.

“Brennan Park is in many ways a reflection of our community through the efforts of volunteer groups who have helped shape it, and residents, literally of all ages, who join programs, participate in sports and attend events,” continues Heintzman. “We’re asking: what is the best, most productive, most thoughtful use for these wonderful lands to meet the needs of our growing community and realize our vision for the future?”

Residents will be able to examine and discuss options and set priorities, while also discussing funding issues and mechanisms. Residents are invited to:

1.       Attend a Public Visioning Event at Brennan Park Recreation Centre:

2.       Complete a questionnaire online June 12.

3.       Sign up for the Recreation newsletter to stay up to date with the project and view the summary reports from the public engagement activities.

Funding for the Brennan Park Recreation Centre, fields and lands will need to be prioritized within the broader facility upgrade and replacement needs of all the District’s operations. Funding sources could be grants, taxation, borrowing, fees, fundraising and sponsorship. However, the first step is to determine what the community wants and needs at Brennan Park, and how much it will cost.

More information is available on the project page at

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May 31, 2018

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