Sunken vessel in the Mamquam Blind Channel

Update: January 16, 2014, 10:30 a.m. 

A vessel in the Mamquam Blind Channel sank early Tuesday morning January 14, 2014, leaking diesel fuel into the channel. No one was on board the vessel at the time. 

The Canadian Coast Guard Environmental Response Team is the lead agency coordinating the containment and cleanup efforts, as the Mamquam Blind Channel falls under federal jurisdiction.

The Coast Guard’s effort has been supported by: Quantum Murray Environmental Group, the Squamish Emergency Program, and the District of Squamish Operations and Environmental officers.

It’s estimated that the vessel had up to a maximum of 1,500 litres of diesel and 300 litres of lubricating oil on board. Wednesday morning, divers worked to prevent further fuel and oil from leaking and plugged up everything they could, however oil was still evident up welling from the vessel. Booms surround the vessel helping to contain the leakage.

The Coast Guard has arranged for the sunken vessel to be raised on Thursday morning in order to remove the threat of further pollution. Further updates will be provided as details are available. 

As a precautionary safety measure, the public is being asked to stay away from the Squamish shoreline and beaches until further notice, in particular with dogs who may run into the water.

While there have been requests and offers from the public to volunteer time towards the clean up, the Coast Guard is not in a position to accept volunteer assistance due to the risk and liability that accompanies such participation.

The District of Squamish is very concerned about the environmental impact of this situation and the challenges our community faces with regards to the federal waterways and derelict vessels. Council has directed the development of a Marine Strategy which is underway and is being further budgeted for in 2014. This problem is not isolated to Squamish alone and the District is working with other waterfront communities and all levels of government to determine a path forward.



January 14, 2014

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