Wildlife Alert - Coyote Attacks and Kills a Dog on Ray Peters Trail

The Conservation Officer Service responded to a call on Friday, July 21st at approximately 2:30 p.m. A dog owner was with her dogs near the water tower across from the landfill in Brackendale when one of her small dogs was snatched by a coyote. There were at least three coyotes involved in the attack which resulted in the death of the dog.

There have been several negative interactions between dogs, wolves and coyotes in the area between Alice Lake and the Brackendale Airport. In July of 2016, two dogs that were off leash were injured by coyotes on the Wonderland Trail and in the spring of 2017, there were several incidents of dogs being stalked by a grey wolf. It is recommended that trail users use caution in this area and consider keeping a deterrent close at hand such as bear spray or a large stick. Children should be closely supervised and pets should be leashed at all times.

If you encounter a coyote, make yourself appear large, maintain eye contact and speak or shout in a low, firm voice. If the coyote is aggressive and pursues you, do not turn your back or run. Throw rocks and arm yourself with a stick. Pick up any small children and back away slowly.

Report all aggressive coyote sightings to the Conservation Officer Service at 1-877-952-RAPP (7277).

For more information on coyotes, please visit: https://wildsafebc.com/coyote

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July 21, 2017

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